Nadja Heitmann, M.Sc. Akademische Mitarbeiterin

  • Community Ecology of Insects in semi-natural and anthropogenic habitats
  • Insects as mobile linkers in different habitats
  • Ecosystem services and disservices provided by insects
  • Movement patterns of insects

Heitmann, N., Glemnitz, M., Birkhofer, K., Müller, M. (2022) Unselective transport of phytopathogenic Fusarium fungi from litter and soil by ground-dwelling arthropods links semi-natural and agricultural habitats. Microorganisms 10, 2, Article 335.

Heitmann, N., Glemnitz, M., Lentzsch, P., Platen, R., Müller, M. (2021) Quantifying the role of ground beetles for the dispersal of Fusarium and Alternaria fungi in agricultural landscapes. Journal of Fungi 7, 10, Article 863.

Altewischer A., Buschewski U., Ehrke C., Fröhlich J., Gärtner A., Giese P., Günter F., Heitmann N., Hestermann M., Hoffmann H., Kleinschmidt F., Kniepkamp B., Linke W., Mayland-Quellhorst T., Pape J., Peterson T., Schendel V., Schwieger S., Wadenstorfer A., Fischer K. (2015) Habitat preferences of male Corn Buntings Emberiza calandra in north-eastern Germany. Acta Ornithol. 50: 1–10.

Franke, K., Heitmann, N., Tobner, A., Fischer, K. (2014) Fitness costs associated with different frequencies and magnitudes of temperature change in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. Journal of Thermal Biology 41:88-94

Curriculum Vitae

Seit 2023 bin ich wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Fachgebiet für Aquatische Ökologie der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus - Senftenberg im Foschungsinstitut Bad Saarow.

2023 -Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg