Scientific Associates
Michel Venne
Scientific Associate - Chair of Cultural Management, Field of study Heritage Management
LG 2B, Room B0.08
Michel Venne is a product of interdisciplinary studies, starting with his Bachelor’s Degree with Individual Concentration in Cultural Heritage (UMass Amherst, 2015) and followed by a masters in World Heritage Studies (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, 2018) focused on World Heritage and Higher Education. He also worked at the Chair of Cultural Management as a student assistant (2017-18).
His working experience post-graduation started as assistant manager for the 2018 edition of the World Heritage Site Managers' Forum with the Institute for Heritage Management GmbH. From there, he worked as an intern at UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre Asia / Pacific Unit (2019), consultant at UNESCO Dakar Culture Office (Senegal) (2019), and returned to the World Heritage Centre as an Associate Project Officer for the Third Cycle of Periodic Reporting for Asia and the Pacific (2020-21).
Since August 2021 he is a scientific associate at the Chair of Cultural Management and is conducting his PhD research on higher education and the UNESCO Competency Framework for Cultural Management, focused primarily in India. Other professional interests include capacity building, digital learning, heritage management in Asia and the Pacific. In his courses, he strives to link theory to practice, ensuring that the course concept and materials can be applied in the field as a working professional.
Courses taught:
620302 Seminar World Heritage Management Plans
620301 Seminar Understanding Heritage Site Management
13394 Heritage Management and Management Plans (Online)
620314 Social Media and Educational Content Creation for Culture and Heritage (Study Project)
37406 Fundraising and Finance for Heritage
13393 Fundraising and Finance for Heritage (online)
Jayne Linaker
Scientific Associate - Chair of Cultural Management, Field of study Heritage Management
LG 2A, Room A0.01
Jayne Linaker joined BTU as a Scientific Associate and lecturer in the Chair of Cultural Management, Field of Study Heritage Management in January 2023. She holds a BA (Hons) in Archaeology and Ancient History and International Studies (Monash University, Australia) with an interdisciplinary research focus on trade and foreign policy in New Kingdom Egypt. Jayne additionally spent a semester at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico studing cultural heritage and international relations. She has since completed her MA in Heritage Conservation and Site Management (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg and Helwan University, Egypt) with a focus on archaeological site management and interpretation. During her studies at BTU, she worked as a Student Research Assistant for the Chair of Cultural Management and in the Field of Study Heritage Management, and was student representative to the WHS & HCSM Examination Board.
In addition to her academic experience, Jayne has worked for several years in museums and heritage institutions in Australia, England and Italy. Her experience in this field lies primarily in museum curation and management, with expertise in museum programming, exhibitions, interpretation, collections management and education. She has additional training and professional experience in Australia, England, Italy, Egypt, Mexico, Kosovo and Germany. Her research interests relate to heritage policy, planning and guidance, with a particular focus on heritage interpretation, and the management and interpretation of archaeological sites and their moveable heritage. She is in the initial research stages of working towards a PhD at BTU.