11465 Introduction to Heritage Site Management
This introductory module on the management of cultural heritage sites focuses on the development stages of a management system. From the value identification and designation of a cultural heritage site to conservation, visitor guidance and marketing approaches, all aspects of the administration of cultural heritage sites are examined. Using concrete international examples, the processes are analyzed theoretically and on examples of the region in an application-oriented manner and understood by the students.
11466 Strategic Planning and Site Management Plans
In this module, which builds on the introduction to cultural heritage site management, the focus is on strategic planning procedures for increasing the quality of cultural heritage site management. Students gain detailed insights into the theoretical and methodological foundations of strategic planning and management, critically study international guidelines for the preparation of management plans and analyze exemplary management plans that have been created for UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
11467 Heritage Legislation
International conventions are the international community's most influential tool for implementing appropriate measures to protect cultural heritage in all its forms. This module is dedicated to the complex processes of drafting, adopting and managing an international convention and the associated conceptual, political, legal and administrative difficulties. It also considers the implementation mechanisms of international cultural heritage law in various national contexts, both theoretically and using selected concrete examples.
25419 Heritage Management and Management Plans
Successful management is the basis for the sustainable use and preservation of World Heritage sites. This module provides students with the necessary theories and methods to develop strategic management systems and create management plans for World Heritage Sites as well as other sites of cultural and/or natural significance. The module builds on theories of cultural heritage assessment and recording and focuses on teaching methodological foundations for cultural heritage-based, strategic planning, management as well as monitoring and quality control.
37406 Fundraising and Finance for Heritage
This module provides basic skills in financial management, financial budgeting, fundraising and financial reporting. Students should be given the capacity to independently financially estimate cultural heritage-related projects, to develop their financial plans for donor institutions, to manage financial processes and to accompany the financial audits of projects, as well as to write final financial reports on projects carried out. In this context, the module emphasises the financial management requirements of the main cultural heritage donor organisations (UNESCO, EU, World Bank, etc.) and seeks to identify links between the cultural diversity of global and regional approaches to fundraising and financing.