Chairholder of the Chair of Automation Technology

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Berger
Siemens-Halske-Ring 14
03046 Cottbus
Lehrgebäude 3A, Raum 145
T +49 (0) 355 69 4111
F +49 (0) 355 69 2387
consultation on appointment
Professional Background
since 2023, chief project manager of Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Spreeland
2018, admission to the Digitization Advisory Board of the State of Brandenburg
2017 - 2023, chief project manager of the medium-sized companies 4.0 competence center Cottbus
2016, appointed by the University of Aalborg (Denmark) as honorary professor with the denomination "Smart Production“
2015, Foundation of the Brandenburg Innovation Center for Modern Industry (IMI)
2012, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Berger was appointed by the Minister of Economy Christoffers as spokesman of Cluster Metal Brandenburg.
2011, Member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering BTU
2008, guest professor at Denmarks Technical University (DTU), Copenhagen, with Professor H. N. Hansen (Department of Mechanical Engineering).
2006-2013, Chairman of Association of German Engineers Berlin-Brandenburg.
2003-2007, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering BTU.
2001, appointment as university professor and chairholder of the Chair of Automation at the Technical University of Cottbus (BTU). Director of the Center for Automation. Development and expansion of the center within the framework of research and industrial collaborations. Active participation in scientific bodies (BMBF, DFG Devices Committee, DAAD). Support of international research exchange through participation in the Erasmus and Socrates programs of the European Union. Initiation of an economic and scientific network on topics of automation technology together with the Brandenburg Economic Development Board (ZAB). Creation and establishment of innovative enterprises of production technology in Brandenburg.
1998, appointment as professor and chairholder of the Chair of Production Technology and Quality Assurance. Director of the Laboratory of Production Engineering at the University of Lüneburg. Development and implementation of a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research network to new teaching and learning methods in engineering education. Abroad and research collaborations: École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Prof. Xirouchakis), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Prof. Van Brussel), University of Patras (Prof. Chryssolouris), Tampere University of Technology (Prof. Torvinen).
1995, appointment as chief engineer and representative of the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering Bremen at the Production Engineering Department of the University of Bremen (Prof. E. Brink Meier). Scientific contributions to CIRP and WGP. Establishment and development of technological infrastructure. Management and coordination of 10 research projects on submicro- and nanofabrication technologies and ecologically sustainable production.
1990, appointment as Technical Director at the Bremen Institute of Industrial Technology and Applied Work Science at the University of Bremen (BIBA). Responsible for construction of the project funded by the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology CIM Technology Transfer Center at the University of Bremen and over 20 employees. Until 1995, responsible for coordination and project management of 12 national and international research and development projects to robotics, production technologies and rapid prototyping
1984, appointment as Technical Director at the Bremen Institute of Industrial Technology and Applied Work Science at the University of Bremen (BIBA). Responsible for construction of the project funded by the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology CIM Technology Transfer Center at the University of Bremen and over 20 employees. Until 1995, responsible for coordination and project management of 12 national and international research and development projects to robotics, production technologies and rapid prototyping
Academic Education
1995, PHD in Production Engineering at the University of Bremen with Prof. B. E. Hirsch. Thesis: "Development of a sensor-based planning and programming system for industrial robots in the unique objects, single and small batch production."
1979-1984, Degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Stuttgart. Thesis at the Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Units (Prof. G. Pritschow), topic: "Development of an automated program generator for a CNC hobbing machine".
Academic Publications and Presentations
Editorship of the scientific book series automation (Shaker), since 2006.
Supervision of 10 doctoral theses and 60 dissertations and master work at home and abroad.
3 monographs and 35 publications in refereed journals.
Publication grants to over 50 conferences, symposia and workshops.
Participation in the Program Committee and as Chairman and Co - Chairman at over 10 conferences for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation.
Preparation, coordination and implementation of scientific events on issues of production automation.
Conducting ring events in the context of a forum of experts from industry and academia on issues of "Digital Factory " and "Advances in production automation " at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.
AEG - Telefunken Award of the city Backnang (Baden-Württemberg) for achievements in the natural sciences, 1979.
Schütting Award for Economic Cooperation Science Bremen Chamber of Commerce, 1992.
Conference Award, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing Conference, Dearborn, MI, 1993.
European Research Project Award, "Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme", Brussels, 1999.
Award for Science Ambassadors of Brandenburg with Prof. Hüttl, Emmermann, Claussen, Willmitzer, 2005.
Member of the Scientific Society for assembly, handling and industrial robotics e.V. (MHI e.V.), Dortmund 2016.
Membership in the Alliance 3D sensation at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF, Jena 2014.
Membership euRobotics aisbl, Brussels 2013.
Member of the Board of the Association per Brandenburg e.V. to promote the sustainability of the Brandenburg region, 2010.
IEEE Membership (Germany) for robot, control and automation technology, 2008.
Membership in the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), WG 4.4 Cost Oriented Automation, 2005.
Membership in research and application of composite Transportation Systems (FVV), Berlin, 2006.
Juror Innovation Award Berlin-Brandenburg, 2007-2009.
Membership Scientific Association of Greek academics in Berlin-Brandenburg e.V., 2002. Promotion of fellows.
Consultant/Surveyor activities
European Union: Regular application and project assessments to research and development projects, (FP4 -FP7, INNOVATION, ESPRIT, Brite-Euram, IMS, CRAFT, GROWTH, NMP) since 1995.
INNOVATION: Technology transfer and validation, Innovation Management, 1995-1998.
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS), since 1997.
European Union: Scientific research support in more than 20 individual projects, since 1997.
Expert contributions and participation in advisory bodies to the European research and innovation policy, since 1999.
German Research Council: Regular assessments of applications for action under the University Construction Act, since 1999.
Federal Ministry of Education and Research: Expert contributions to the development of new teaching and learning for the training of engineers, since 2000.