Jens Schneider (2018): Site-directed mutagenesis of Proteasome Activator 28γ (PA28γ): Molecular mimicry of PA28γ acetylation (K195Q) modulates assembly and 20S proteasome activity
Meike Rosanski (2017): PSME3 gene targeting in cancer cells using a CRISPR/Cas9 system to study the anti-apoptotic mechanism of PA28γ
Marcel Schlecht (2016): Functional analysis of PA28γ in MCF-7 breast cancer cells by overexpression & CRISPR-Cas9 mediated gene silencing
Andrea Krause (2011): Production and affinity purification of in vivo citrullinated RA autoantigens in baculovirus infected insect cells
Josephine Tabea Tauer (2008): In vitro citrullination of proteins: Implications on the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases
Gina Göritz (2023): Proteasome Binding Affinities of Variant PA28γ Heptamers Examined via Microscale Thermophoresis
Theresa Birghan (2022): Untersuchung der Rolle des Proteasom-Aktivators 28γ (PA28γ) auf Proliferation, Migration und Apoptose in humanen embryonalen Nierenzellen (HEK293 Zellen)
Paula Piater (2022): Mutagenese, Aufreinigung und Charakterisierung funktioneller Varianten des Proteasom-Aktivators PA28γ
Tim Dzewas (2018): CRISPR/Cas9 mediated Knockout of Proteasome Inhibitor PI31
Inge Schwedt (2017): Klonierung und Expression humaner Procaspase-3 in Escherichia coli
Julia Engelmann (2013): Biochemische Analyse von mutierten Varianten des anti-apoptotischen Proteasomaktivators 28g in B8-Mausfibroblasten
Stefanie Trapp (2012): Anti-apoptotic mechanism of the proteasome activator PA28g: functional characterization of mutants in B8 mouse fibroblasts
Juliane Scholz (2012): Cloning, expression and functional characterization of human PAD isoforms relevant for functions in rheumatoid arthritis
Maria König (2010): Proteasome Aktivator 28y: Modulation des proteasomalen in vitro Abbaus des Zellzyklusinhibitors p21
Dominique Vogt (2009): Entwicklung eines ELISA Prototypen zum Nachweis von spezifischen Autoantikörpern gegen den Proteasomaktivator PA28y
BRIDGE to Master
Berfinsu Kaya (2023): Expression and Characterization of Proteasome Activator PA28 Gamma Mutant
Muthu Kumaran Parthiban (2023): In vitro analysis of missense mutations and characterization of PA28γ
Fatemehsadat Toghraie (2022): Transfection of HEK293 Knockout and Wild-type Cells for Transient and Stable Expression of PA28γ
Harith Ekal (2019): The role of the proteasome activator 28γ (PA28γ) in apoptosis and DNA Repair
Practical Term
Anjana Khadka (2020): Purification and in vitro characterization of modified proteasome activator PA28ү
Shiva Raj Tripathi (2020): Purification and in-vitro characterisation of proteasome activator PA28ɤ mutants
Alexander Heine (2017): Isolierung von humanem PA28γ für Proteasom Aktivierungs Assays
Julia Engelmann (2012): Nachweis von nukleären, cytosolischen und membrangebundenen Antigenen in SF21 Insektenzellen, Practical Term Report