Biological monitoring
Since 2005, the developing vegetation of the study site is recorded by the Chair of Geobotany of TU München. Assessment plots are assigned to the regular grid (20 m x 20 m). Vegetation records include the plant species for each plot, the cover degree for each species and for each plot, and the individual number of each species, the latter until 2009. Maps are drived from these data showing the distribution of single plant species within the catchment. These maps can be found in vol. 2 and 3 of the Ecosystem Development series.
Soil fauna is investigated at the artificial catchment in cooperation with the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History at Görlitz. Sampling of soil fauna began in October 2005 and from then on took place in April/May and October of the following years. At every sampling date, 27 soil cores each for microfauna (testate amoebae, Nematoda, Tardigrada) and mesofauna (Collembola, Acari) were taken. Additionally, pitfall traps were installed in summer 2008 in the upper, middle, lower, as well as in the semi-aquatic area around the pond. The traps were emptied in two-weekly intervals for 13 months in order to collect the macroinvertebrates.