Current Research Projects

AIDOS - Artifical Intelligence-based DDoS Mitigation at Internet Exchange Points
2019 - 2022

  • BMBF funded research project with the DE-CIX Internet Exchange Point
  • Projekt details

Collaborative Research Centre 1053 MAKI: Multi-Mechanisms Adaptation for the Future Internet
Project B1:
Monitoring and Analysis

MAKI creates an innovative premise for the communication systems of the future. Its aim is to be more adaptive to changes, particularly during ongoing operations. This could facilitate, for instance, the ability to stream video on a smartphone in high quality without interruptions in spite of busy or overloaded mobile networks. Users would be able to rely on steady and reliable reception even while attending festivals or crowded sporting events.

Subproject B1 investigates a flexible monitoring-service that is able to cope with the heterogeneity and complexity of transition-aware networks. In doing so, requirements of the applications and coexistent multi-mechanisms must be fulfilled. Using the capabilities of programmable networks, the monitoring-service gains flexibility. Resulting functional and performance hardware constraints are considered within the project. Furthermore, the viability of the monitoring service will be guaranteed for future services and applications.

Further information: