Topics for Bachelor and Master Theses
We assign topics for theses related to our main research areas. Please talk to us if you are interested.
Robert Scheffler: Ready to Order? On Vertex and Edge Orderings of Graphs.
Jesse Beisegel: Convexity in Graphs: Vertex Order Characterisations and Graph Searching.
Alexander Reich: Cycle Bases of Graphs and Spanning Trees with Many Leaves – Complexity Results on Planar and Regular Graphs.
Martin Strehler: Signalized Flows – Optimizing Traffic Signals and Guideposts and Related Network Flow Problems.
Diploma theses
Harald Schülzke: The Normal Graph Conjecture for Line Graphs
Alexander Reich: Strictly Fundamental Cycle Bases of Planar Graphs (pdf)
Martin Strehler: Optimization of Course Axes for Inland Shipping(pdf)
Knut Odermann: Network Flow Spanners
Nicole Schimmack: Logical Network Analysis and Enumeration Algorithms for the Design of Multi-variant Products
Gang Huang: Algorithms and Models for Packing of Rectangular Materials.
Master theses
Pascal Schuffenhauer: Efficient lexicographic depth search using van Emde-Boas trees.
Fabienne Ratajczak: Optimizing route planning for patient transports within hospitals.
Markus Rogge: Computation of shortest paths for cyclists considering periodic traffic lights.
Christina Huesgen: Edge-based routing problems - variations of the k-CPP.
Laura Maiwald: The routing problem for waste collection vehicles - Optimizing route planning for paper waste collection and transport in the district of Spree-Neiße.
Domenic Mönnich: Algorithms for length-constrained flows on length-expanded networks.
Tom Bradschetl: Determining minimal induced subgraphs of chordal circular arc graphs.
Robert Scheffler:A graph-theoretic approach to Shape from Shading - Algorithms and complexity for distance-based orientations of graphs.
Awarded as the best Faculty 1 master thesis of 2017.
Sören Merting: Generalized routing of electric vehicles - Algorithms for resource-constrained paths and flows with regenerating nodes.
Carolin Denkert: Efficient algorithms for Hamiltonian problems on cocomparability graphs.
Michael Urban: Flow algorithms for energy networks.
Bachelor theses
Bruno Pönitz: k-outerplanar graphs.
Florian Krowiorz: The algorithmic complexity of generalized search tree recognition.
Awarded as the best Faculty 1 bachelor thesis of 2023.
Lisa Marie Schachtschneider: Algorithms for optimal bicycle routes in traffic light networks.
Niklas Füller: Maximum adjacency ordering in the context of maximum flows.
Sonja Breuß: Lexicographic depth-first search - Algorithmic properties and efficient implementation.
Fabienne Ratajczak: Combinatorial analysis and solution algorithms for the game Icosoku.
Awarded as the best Faculty 1 bachelor thesis of 2019.
Maximilian Beyer: Investigation of a game-theoretic approach for computing power networks using combinatorial optimization algorithms.
Laura Maiwald: Similarity First Search for Robinsonian matrices.
Christina Huesgen:Distance Determination in Graphs Using Node Labeling Considering the Hub-Based Labeling Algorithm.
Dominic Mönnich:Algorithms for the recognition of permutation graphs.
Aron Hartung:Comparability graphs and cocomparability graphs - Cliques and independent sets.
Robert Scheffler: Optimal coordinations of traffic light systems - Lower bounds for a modified multi-commodity min-cost flow problem.
Awarded as the best Faculty 1 bachelor thesis of 2014.
Jana Tillner: Combinatorial models for hydrological networks.
Sören Merting: Routing of electric vehicles - Resource constrained shortest walks with regenerating nodes.
Stanley Schade: Oriented Flows.
Awarded as the best Faculty 1 bachelor thesis of 2012.
Katharina Kolo: Traffic control using tolling and traffic lights - Analysis of optimization methods for controlled equilibrium flows.
Ines Ulbricht: Flows with load-dependent deficits on infrastructure networks.
Andreas Ullmann: How fair are elections? - Network flow algorithms for matrix scaling.
Carolin Denkert: Oriented paths and flows in transportation networks.
Constanze Nauck: Confluent flows and disjoint paths.
Michael Urban: The bottleneck path problem.