Ongoing and completed diploma theses, bachelor's, master's and PhD theses and dissertations

You can find current topic offers for student research projects, Bachelor's and Master's theses under the heading Teaching/Topic offers

  • Krüger, Simone: The impact of discharge regulation on microbial sediment respiration at a land-water-interface of the river Spree, Bachelor Thesis 2015 (Supervisor: apl. Prof. Dr Michael Mutz) - This bachelor thesis was honoured in 2016 by the Association of German Engineers (VDI) Berlin-Brandenburghonoured as an outstanding thesis.
  • Weiss, Heidi: Importance of sediment influence on the trophy of six shallow eutrophic reservoirs in Saxony (Germany) (Einfluss des Sediments auf die Trophie in sechs eutrophen sächsischen Flachstauseen, Master Thesis 2013
    (Supervisor: Dr Björn Grüneberg)
    - Young Researcher Award 2015 of the Association of Engineers for Water Management, Waste Management and Cultural Engineering (BWK) Brandenburg-Berlin BTU News online edition no. 43/2015, page 16,
  • Kümmerlen, Mathias: Effects of leaf leachates on the activit of the microbial community associated to leaf litter in streams, Master Thesis 2008
    (Supervisor: apl. Prof. Dr Michael Mutz)
    - Best Master's thesis at the BTU 2008
  • Kalbus, Edda: Einfluss von Totholz auf den vertikalen Wasseraustausch in Sandbächen (Effect of Wood on the Vertical Water Exchange in Sand-Bed Streams), Master Thesis BTUC 2004
    (Supervisor: apl. Prof. Dr. Michael Mutz)
    - Best Master's thesis at the BTU 2004
  • Hofmann, Hilmar: Morphometric, hydrological and hydrogeological characterisation of the open-cast mining lake Plessa 117 (Grünewalder Lauch). Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 2003.
    (Supervisors: Prof. Dr Brigitte Nixdorf, Prof. Dr Uwe Grünewald)
    - Best diploma thesis at the BTU 2003
  • Reza Vahabpou Rousari: Habitat-specific and whole-reach metabolism of the Dahme River. Master thesis.
  • Graßmel, Guido: Effect of a calcium peroxide-containing preparation for lake therapy on the organic content and respiration of sediments. Master thesis.
  • Ayala Clarke, Sebastian: "Community composition and nutritional quality of emerging aquatic insects from the Oder river and its floodplains following the 2022 environmental catastrophe", Master Thesis 2024.
    Supervisor: Dr Tarn Preet Parmar
  • Fellenberg, Lilly Luisa: "Effect of a calcium peroxide-containing preparation for lake therapy: investigation of the phytoplankton and trophic state of seven small lakes", Bachelor Thesis 2024.
  • Gerber, Luisa Antonia: "Development of amphibian populations in the Upper Lusatian Heath and Pond Landscape Biosphere Reserve between 2009 and 2022", Bachelor Thesis 2024.
  • Heitmann, Nadja: "Ground-dwelling arthropods as mobile linkers for the phytopathogenic fungi Fusarium and Alternaria". Doctoral studies at the Department of Ecology, 2024.
  • Markovic, Alja: "Habitat type influences winter macroinvertebrate assemblages in a sandy bottom stream", Master Thesis 2024.
  • Obst, Rosalie: "Analyse des Einflusses anthropogener Temperaturveränderungen auf Gewässerökosysteme", Master Thesis 2024.
  • Schreiber, Marie: "Renaturalisation funds higher macroinvertebrate abundances in the Dahme", Bachelor Thesis 2024.
  • Dashrathkar, Rakshith Jaikumar: "Characteristics and significance of deep chlorophyll maxima (DCM) in stratified lakes of the Scharmützelsee area", Master Thesis 2023.
  • Duklau, Maria: Assessment of the structural Quality af Andean Streams: Comparison of different Evaluation Methods, Bachelor Thesis 2023 (in coop. with the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira).
  • Komati, Viviane Yuri Oide: Drivers influencing bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) group size and composition in the waters off La Gomera, Master Thesis 2023, in coop. with Christina Sommer (M.E.E.R. e.V., Berlin).
  • Kommana, Giulia: "Biogeochemical signatures in sediments by iron from mining areas - case study River Spree (NE Germany)", doctoral studies in the GRS microcluster "Signatures", sub-project 4.
  • Schilka, Victoria: The impact of warming on oxygen depletion and dissolved organic carbon dynamics from stream sediments in Styria, Austria, Bachelor Thesis 2023.
  • Schreckinger, José: Short- and long-term succession in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: Sediment microbial communities structure and biogeochemical trajectories, PhD 2023
    as part of the GRS Cluster "Signatures of highly disturbed landscapes - using the case study of mining landscapes")
  • Drabow, Jana: Phosphorus loads and concentrations in the catchment area of Lake Wolziger See in the period 2015- 2017, Bachelor thesis 2022.
  • Kruschinski, Anouk: Occurrence of photoautotrophic sulfur bacteria in Lake Scharmützelsee and other dimictic lakes of the region, Bachelor thesis 2022.
  • Lee, Hayoung: Migration sand ripples: Effect of migrating frequency on sediment-associated microbial activity, Master thesis 2022.
  • Sauer, Phil: Gentle sediment removal in the Müggelspree - Influence of sediment traps embedded in the riverbed on the surrounding bed, Master thesis 2022.
  • Carrero Bastos, Lina Tatiana: Evaluation of the stream restoration projects at the Bogota river, Colombia (Analyse und Bewertung der Flließgewässer-Renaturierungsprojekte am Rio Bogota in Kolumbien), Bachelor thesis 2021.
  • Franzmann, Insa Maria: Effect of sediment dynamics on colonisation and metabolism of freshly incoming soil from bank erosion, Master thesis 2021.
  • Moch, Tilman: Comparison of methods between camera detection and electrofishing: Utilisation of littoral microhabitats in quarry ponds by fish, Master thesis 2021.
  • Jeschke, Birgit: Tension between mining law and water law using the example of the Cottbuser Ostsee watercourse development, Bachelor Thesis 2020.
  • Pannwitz, Marie-Christin: Mapping methods for potential stream origins of macrozoobenthos in watercourses with a catchment area smaller than 10 km², Bachelor thesis 2020.
  • Ren, Jing: Adaptation of methods to assess sediment-associated microbial activities in migrating sand ripples, Master thesis 2020.
  • Ulm, Melanie: Evaluation of the potential for iron and sulphate retention by constructed peatlands at mining-influenced
    Spree tributaries, Master thesis 2020.
  • Al-Hakim, Fatyma: Variability of sediment respiration in a renaturalised floodplain of the Spree, Bachelor Thesis 2019.
  • Gräbedünkel, Katja: Long-term effects of desludging as a restoration measure in the swales of a small water-rich agricultural landscape near Müncheberg, Brandenburg, Master thesis 2019.
  • Karmacharya, Sandeep: Effects of drying and sediment shifting on river biofilm structure and its short and long-term recovery, Bachelor Thesis 2019.
  • Körtge, Henry: Pottkuhle - Limnology and development potential, Bachelor thesis 2019.
  • Sartorius, Valerie: Comparison of biofilm activity on microplastic with and without plasticizer in in-situ experiments, Master thesis 2019.
  • Trüb, Christian: Evaluation of the bank structuring measures of the "Schnellen Havel" near Neuholland, Bachelor thesis 2019.
  • Turčinov, Mihovil: Trophical characteristics of the Autumnella lusatica sp.nov. to explain autumnal development in the lake Halbendorf, Master thesis 2019.
  • Dietz, Severine: Geochemical processes and stratification-relevant substances in meromictic lakes in Lusatia, dissertation 2018.
  • Kabus, Timm-Alexander: Soft water lakes in the Brandenburgian young moraine land. Hydrochemistry and macrophyte colonisation, dissertation 2018. ISBN-13: 978-3746799773.
  • Kreber, Nils: Aquatic ecological status and eutrophication risk of Lake Indawgyi in Myanmar, Master thesis 2018.
  • Lysakowska; Julia: Floristische und faunistische Besiedlung von Eisen-retentionsbecken am Vetschauer Mühlenfließ (Inhabitation of a pond system for iron retention at Vetschauer Mühlenfließ by flora and fauna) , Master thesis 2018.
  • Salazar Alekseyeva, Katherine: Population genomic comparison of Fragilariopsis kerguelensis, a Southern Ocean diatom, Master thesis 2018.
  • Schilling, Jannik: Transformation of nutrients in shipping channels and their influence on water quality in underlying lakes, Master thesis 2018.
  • Oeser, Anne: Leaf decomposition in the land-water transition zone in a renaturalised floodplain, Master thesis 2018.
  • Tenzin, Youngdoung: Can the addition of bioavailable carbon strengthen the uptake of the nitrogen and phosphorus in streams? (Can the addition of bioavailable carbon strengthen the uptake of the nitrogen and phosphorus in streams?), Master thesis 2018 (at UFZ Magdeburg)
  • Usovitsch, Julia: Primary production in the littoral of Lake Scharmützel - Estimation of pH diurnal cycles, Bachelor Thesis 2018.
  • Wilke, Lucas: The fishing significance of water treatment plants for iron retention using the example of the Vetschauer Mühlenfliesß, Bachelor Thesis 2018.
  • Zlatanovic, Sanja: In-stream microbial carbon transformation under opposing stresses - drought and sediment transport, Dissertation 2018.
  • Bergmann, Marc: Comparison of selected hydromorphological parameters between natural, renaturalised and non-renaturalised watercourses and a concept for near-natural wood use for the Dahme, Master Thesis 2017.
  • Brendler, Karl: Evaluation of an evaporative constructed wetland for the treatment of industrial wastewater in Colombia (Funktionskontrolle eines abflusslosen künstlichen Feuchtgebietes zur Behandlung industrieller Abwässer in Kolumbien), Master Thesis 2017 [in cooperation with the "Universidad Tecnológia de Pereira"].
  • Frauenstein, Andrea: Development of a P-balance as part of a concept for the rehabilitation and restoration of Lake Rangsdorf, Master Thesis 2017 [in cooperation with the University of Potsdam].
  • Herzog, Nadine: Potential colonisation of the Cottbuser Ostsee by macrophytes, Master Thesis 2017.
  • Kolzau, Sebastian: Phytoplankton nitrogen and phosphorus limitation and the N2-fixation potential of Nostocales at varying nitrogen supplies and light intensities in lakes, Dissertation 2017.
  • Kruber, Sarah: Development of reed beds in open-cast mining lakes in Lusatia depending on morphometry and hydrochemistry, Bachelor Thesis 2017.
  • Lemm, Anika: Primary production of phytoplankton and macrophytes in the littoral of Lake Scharmützel, Bachelor Thesis 2017.
  • Lin, Yian Feng: Aerobic and anaerobic degradation potential of organic matter in iron-rich sediments, Master thesis 2017.
  • Niedan, Maria: Mining-related iron pollution of aquatic sediments in the southern Spreewald area, Master Thesis 2017.
  • Oprei, Anna: Drought stress in streams: Effect of sediment humidity on resistance and resilience of the microbial community (Trockenstress in Fließgewässern: Effect of residual moisture on resistance and resilience of the microbial community), Bachelor Thesis 2017.
  • Preiß, Jannick: Resupension behaviour of iron hydroxide sludges, Bachelor Thesis 2017.
  • Seidel, Michael: Natural use of wood for the development of watercourses in the North German Lowlands, Dissertation 2017.
  • Ullrich, Franziska: Importance of substrate structure for macrozoobenthos colonisation in a renaturalised section of the Spree, Master Thesis 2017.
  • Ulm, Melanie: Growth experiments on the mixotrophic potential of the green alga Autumnelle lusatica sp. nov. in acidic open-cast mining lakes, Bachelor Thesis 2017.
  • Weigl, Sebastian: Influence of iron hydroxide slurries on the oxygen recharge potential of lake sediments, Bachelor Thesis 2017.
  • Grosser, Paula: The phenological response of tropical wetland plants on hydroclimatological variability in Lisbran, Colombia (Phaenological response of tropical wetland plants to hydroclimatological variability in Lisbran, Colombia), Bachelor Thesis 2016.
  • Hartmann, Anne: Konzept und Planungen zur Wiederherstellung des Fürstenwalder Fließes, Master thesis 2016, University of Potsdam.
  • Horst, Daniel: Using real-time control of thesewer network to reduce combined sewer overflow Effects on aquatic ecosystems and their services in the Emscher Headwaters (in cooperation with EMSCHERGENOSSENSCHAFT), Bachelor Thesis 2016.
  • Knoop, Dortje: Macrozoobenthos colonisation of the Spremberg Dam against the background of increased iron pollution, Master Thesis 2016.
  • Lehmann, Eric: Determination of nitrogen and phosphorus loads as a basis for planning remediation measures in the Wolziger See catchment area, Bachelor Thesis
  • Milke, Mirko: Nutrient competition between submerged macrophytes and phytoplankton in lakes, Diploma thesis 2016.
  • Polak, Jessica: Analysis of post-mining pollution of water bodies in the Lusatian lignite mining area using the example of the Eichower Fließ catchment area, Master Thesis 2016.

  • Plaschke, Mike: Comparison of methods for recording macrozoobenthos colonisation in waters of the renaturalised Spree floodplain near Cottbus-Maiberg, Bachelor Thesis 2016.
  • Ritz, Stefanie: In-stream nitrogen retention in a large nitrogen rich river Estimates from "open-channel" methods, Dissertation BfG Koblenz/BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg 2016.
  • Schneider, Wiebke: Investigations on the colonisation of the macrozoobenthos of the Hühnerwasserteich, a newly created water body in the Lusatian post-mining landscape, Bachelor Thesis 2016.
  • Strakova, Zuzana: Physikalische und chemische Grundlagen zum Einsatz von Maßnahmen zurRetention von Eisenhydroxiden (Physical and chemical bases for the application of measures for the retention of iron hydroxides), Master thesis 2016.
  • Trump, Michael: The short-term responses of stream biofilm to environmentally relevant dissolved organic carbon sources, Master Thesis 2016.
  • Zimmermann, Marie: Effects of migrating sand ripples in flowing waters on particulate organic material in the sediment, Bachelor Thesis.
  • Dümmel, Hanna: Respiration of dry floodplain sediments of the Spree after rewetting, Bachelor Thesis 2015.
  • Ermer, Tobias: Evaluation of potential measures to improve the ecological status of a stream influenced by mining, Master Thesis 2015.
  • Krüger, Anne Simone: The impact of discharge regulation on microbial sediment respiration at a land-water-interface of the river Spree, Bachelor Thesis 2015.
  • Mendoza Lera, Clara: Reciprocal influences of microbial community and hydrogeomorphology in sandy streambeds, PhD Thesis 2015.
  • Möller, Leonard: Influence of nitrate on the release of phosphorus from sediment, Bachelor Thesis 2015.
  • Plesse, Peter: Carbon transformation potential in the land-water transition zone of a floodplain drawdown of the Cottbuser Spree, Master Thesis 2015.
  • Richter, Rico: Development of the trophic state of Lake Caputher See, Diploma thesis 2015.
  • Scheidweiler, David: Migrating ripples: pertubation on structure and function of benthic biofilm (Wanderde Sandrippel: Störung von Struktur und Funktion des benthischen Biofilms), Master Thesis 2015.
  • Schuster, Mathias: Geomorphological changes in a renaturalised section of the Spree in the context of long-term watercourse development, Master Thesis 2015 (*Best Master's thesis at the BTU 2015).
  • Tesch, Christian: Nature conservation assessment of iron sooting in the Brandenburg catchment area of the Spree, Bachelor Thesis 2015.
  • Drews, Ilona: Relevance of metal-organic complexation for the long-term sorption stability of phosphorus in lake sediments, Master Thesis 2014.
  • Ebers, Lisa-Sophie: Determination of Cyanobacterial Nitrogen Fixation by Acetylene-Reduction Assay (ARA), Bachelor Thesis 2014.
  • Federlein, Laura: simultaneous measurement of hyporheic flow and sediment respiration: influence of heterogeneous stream sediment (pore water flow in heterogeneous stream sediments), Master Thesis 2014.
  • Gey, Sascha: Metabolism in moving stream sediments - influence of different displacement velocities on sediment-bound respiration, Bachelor Thesis 2014.
  • Hanisch, Josephine: Influence of sooting on the structural quality of small watercourses using the example of southern Spreewald tributaries, Bachelor Thesis 2014.
  • Menge, Martin: Influence of grain sizes on the metabolism of stream sediments due to desiccation, Bachelor Thesis 2014.
  • Michalk, Robert: Investigations on the redynamisation of the Große Spree in the area of the biosphere reserve "Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft" - water structure quality and oxbow lake assessment, Master Thesis 2014.
  • Ramm, Jessica: Occurrence and life-cycle strategies of bloom-forming Nostocales (cyanobacteria) in deep lakes in Northern Germany and in Lake Kinneret, Israel, Dissertation 2014.
  • Roller, Leandra: Assessment of possible effects of increased iron and sulphate concentrations due to open-cast lignite mining on the ecosystem of the Spree, Bachelor Thesis 2014.
  • Amborn, Frank: Nährstoffbelastung eines Tagebausees durch fischereiliche Bewirtschaftung, Diploma thesis 2013.
  • Buchberger, Anna: Effects of anthropogenically modified shoreline structures on the size and biomass distribution of chironomids in Lake Scharmützel, Bachelor Thesis 2013.
  • Chéret, Bernard: Effects of Submerse Macrophytes on Sediments and Flow in a Heavily Modified Urban Stream, Bachelor Thesis 2013.
  • Drechsler, Daniela: The importance of ciliates for the oxygen supply of microbial biofilm communities, Bachelor Thesis 2013.
  • Drechsler, Martin: Overwintering of cyanobacteria of the order Nostocales in Lake Scharmützel, Bachelor Thesis 2013.
  • Hähnel, Juliane: Effects of anthropogenically modified shoreline structures on the length and biomass distribution of Trichoptera in the dimictic Scharmützelsee, Bachelor Thesis 2013.
  • Hardt, Elena: Denitrification and nitrate assimilation by phytoplankton in lakes of the Scharmützelsee region, Bachelor Thesis 2013, Technische Hochschule Wildau (FH) and BTU C.
  • Hockwin, Sandra: Evaluation of vertical profiles of chlorophyll fluorescence for the assessment of sampling strategies for the detection of deep chlorophyll maxima in thermally stable stratified lakes, Bachelor Thesis 2013.
  • Malodobry, Peter Roman: Oxygen diffusion through leaves during initial aquatic decomposition - effects of leaching and frost, Bachelor Thesis 2013.
  • Münzner, Karla: Oxygen diffusion trough Alnus Glutinosa leaves during early aquatic decomposition: effect of abrasion by sediment movement (Sauerstoffdiffusion durch Blätter von Alnus Glutinosa während des initialen aquatischen Abbaus: Einfluss von Abrieb durch Sedimentbewegung), Bachelor Thesis 2013.
  • Otte, Marcel: Mapping of large mussel populations in the Lenzerwische and recommendations for the conservation of the populations, Bachelor Thesis 2013.
  • Recklebe, Juliane: Nitrification in Lake Scharmützel in autumn and winter, Master's thesis 2013.
  • Schwarz, Julia Sophie: Metabolism in mobile stream sediments - influence of a periodic rearrangement with low frequency, Bachelor Thesis 2013.
  • Tiefenau, Börge: Sedimentation of phosphorus and iron in Lake Scharmützel, Bachelor Thesis 2013.
  • Thürmann, Jens: Nitrogen balance in a eutrophic shallow lake (Langer See near Dolgenbrodt) and nitrification in autumn and winter, Bachelor Thesis 2013.
  • Ullrich, Franziska: Effects of anthropogenically modified shoreline structures on the length and biomass distribution of Gammaridae, Corophiidae and Asellidae in the dimictic Scharmützelsee, Bachelor Thesis 2013.
  • Weise, Gregor: Release kinetics of phosphorus from faeces and feed residues of net pens of fish in the open-cast mining lake Tröbitz RL 122, Bachelor Thesis 2013.
  • Weiss, Heidi: Importance of sediment influence on the trophy of six shallow eutrophic reservoirs in Saxony (Germany) (Einfluss des Sediments auf die Trophie in sechs eutrophen sächsischen Flachstauseen, Master Thesis 2013.
  • Amonat, Jürgen: Influence of reservoir vegetation on water quality during the re-damming of the Klingenberg/Erzgebirge dam, Diploma thesis 2012.
  • Baptista, Melissa: Phytoplankton succession and diversity - productivity relation in German and Brazilian shallow lakes, Dissertation 2012.
  • Belyaeva, Maria: Effects of multiple abiotic stressors on the species and genetic biodiversity if littoral Cladocera in two types of acidic habitats in Germany: hard-water mining lakes and soft-water bog lakes, PhD Thesis 2012.
  • Dadi, Tallent : Interconnection between iron biogeochemistry and phosphorus release from sediments of a lake-river system (Lower Havel, Berlin), Master Thesis 2012.
  • Dai, Chengding: Respiration rates of protists at different oxygen concentrations, Bachelor Thesis 2012.
  • Ermer, Tobias: Spatial distribution and material composition of sediments in the Tröbitz 122 open-cast mining lake under fisheries utilisation, Bachelor Thesis 2012.
  • Gruchot, Gina: Determination of the overwintering and germination potential of nostocal cyanobacteria in Lake Scharmützel, Bachelor Thesis 2012.
  • Harrandt, Christian: Estimation of phytoplankton losses through mussel filtration, Bachelor Thesis 2012.
  • Jansone, Lelde: Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Development of the Aquatic and Semi-aquatic Macrophytes in Chicken-Creek Catchment, Bachelor Thesis 2012.
  • Kluge, Katrin: Effects of human modified lakeshores to potential macroinvertebrate food sources in the littoral zone of Lake Scharmützelsee (Der Einfluss von anthropogen modifizierten Uferstrukturen auf diepotenziellen Nahrungsquellen benthischer Makroinvertebraten im Litoral des Scharmützelsees), Master Thesis 2012.
  • Räpple Bianca: Physical controls and patterns of recruitment on the Drome River (SE France): An analysis based on high resolution imagery and field observations, Master Thesis 2012.
  • Schulz, Laura: Ecological assessment of NITROLIMIT model waters according to EU Water Framework Directive using the biocomponent macrophytes (Ökologische Bewertung der NITROLIMIT-Modellgewässer gemäß EUWasserrahmenrichtlinie anhand der Biokomponente Makrophyten), Bachelor Thesis 2012.
  • Schuster, Mathias: Morphodynamic self-development in the Cottbuser Spree after renaturalisation. GIS-supported documentation and evaluation of structural features, Bachelor Thesis 2012.
  • Themann, Inga: Influence of acetylene concentration on the applicability of the acetylene reduction method for measuring the nitrogen fixation of different cyanobacteria species, Bachelor Thesis 2012.
  • Thäns, Matthias: Summer nutrient dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds of a eutrophic Baltic Sea tributary using the example of the Warnow estuary, Diploma thesis 2012.
  • Wulfert, Benjamin: Seasonal variability of macrozoobenthos on anthropogenically modified shoreline structures of the dimictic Scharmützelsee, Diploma thesis 2012.
  • Bouchnak, Rihab: Control of energy allocation in cladocerans by foraging algae of different quality and under stress conditions, DissertationHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin and BTUC 2011 .
  • Eifler, Julia: Recording the spatial and temporal variability of atmospheric deposition of nutrients in the Scharmützelse, Bachelor Thesis 2011.
  • Gerull, Linda: Dynamics of microbial metabolic activities during stream ecosystem succession: insights from field observations and flume experiments, Dissertation 2011.
  • Khilji, Nauman Ali Khan: Impact of wood structures on retention and transport of drifting wood in flood conditions, Bachelor Thesis 2011.
  • Kubier, Andreas: Development of a sustainable concept for the watercourse system between Großes Wünsdorfer See and Mellensee. Bachelor thesis 2011.
  • Miesner, Anna: Light-Dependent Nitrogen Fixation in Different Cyanobacterial Species, Bachelor Thesis 2011.
  • Möller, Robert: Recording the extent and quality of reed beds at Scharmützelsee as a prerequisite for analysing the density of reed-breeding bird species, Bachelor Thesis 2011.
  • Müller, Lisa: Determination of filtration rates of mussel species occurring in the Scharmützelsee, Bachelor Thesis 2011.
  • Penner, Patricia: Body size-dry mass regression for macrozoobenthos of a dimictic lowland lake, Bachelor Thesis 2011.
  • Perz, Andrea: High Spatial Resolution Pattern of Microbial Food Web Colo-nisation across the Thermocline of Saline Mexican Lakes, Bachelor Thesis 2011.
  • Sponholz, Aline: Dynamics of Retained Driftwood in a Restored Lowland Stream Reach - Case Study Ruhlander Schwarzwasser, Bachelor Thesis 2011.
  • Steinhoff, Stefanie: Transport and accumulation of driftwood in renaturalised and non-renaturalised lowland streams, Bachelor Thesis 2011.
  • Welten, Verena: Möglichkeiten und Voraussetzungen der Schilfetablierung zur Renaturierung von Ufern schwefelsauerer Tagebauseen, Diploma thesis 2011.
  • Wendl, Anna: Influence of light and temperature on the germination and growth of Nostocales of Lake Scharmützel - Determination of the germination capacity of acinets from surface sediment (germination experiments with natural sediment samples), Bachelor Thesis 2011.
  • Wischkony, Stephanie: Characterisation of selected watercourses in the Welzow Süd open-cast mine with regard to their water structure and biocenotic potential, Diploma thesis 2011.
  • Wohlgemuth, Friederike: Sedimentation and germination potential of Nostocales akinetes (cyanobacteria) in Lake Scharmützelsee, Bachelor Thesis 2011.
  • Fernando, Ranjin: Hydromophological survey and evaluation of the Scharmützelsee lakeshore in its development after 1945 as a prerequisite for the development of a lake and lakeshore use concept, Bachelor Thesis 2010.
  • Fangmann, Anne: Factors controlling microbial Activity in stream corridors of an early successional landscape (Influencing factors of microbial activity in stream corridors of an initial landscape), Bachelor Thesis 2010.
  • Federlein, Laura: Feeding rates of Asellus aquaticus under low oxygen conditions, Bachelor Thesis 2010.
  • Felsmann, Katja: Effekt von Sedimentumlagerungen auf Ciliaten des hyporheischen Interstitials, Diploma thesis BTUC and HU Berlin 2010.
  • Sturm, Severin: Cost-effectiveness of measures for hydromorphologic enhancement in a low gradient sand-bed stream - Analysis of performed actions, alternatives and possible upgradings (Kostenwirksamkeit von Gewässerstrukturmaßnahmen in einem sandgeprägten Tieflandbach, Bachelor Thesis 2010.
  • Dörschel, Christine: Limnology of small water bodies: Pelagic matter turnover and colonisation patterns in winter and spring 2008 using the example of Hühnerwassersee, diploma thesis 2009.
  • Meza-Alejandre, Celeste: Restoration by combined addition of wood and sediment in a sand-bed stream - effects on benthic substrates and the, Master Thesis 2009.
  • Odparlik, Lisa: Assesment of the metabolic activity of biofilms in aquatic environments with a microrespiration chamber, Bachelor Thesis 2009.
  • Tingwey, Emilienne Ingie: Studies on the life cycles of akinete forming Cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in the temperate region, PhD Thesis 2009.
  • Hünken, Andreas: Deposition, immobilization, resuspension - On the retention of fine organic particles in flowing waters (Retention von fein partikulärem organischen Material in gestörten Fließgewässern), Dissertation 2008.
  • Krumm, Julia: Suitability of the spectrofluorometer 'FluoroProbe' for the quantification and determination of spatial heterogeneity of Cyanobacteria, Bachelor Thesis 2008.
  • Kümmerlen, Mathias: Effects of leaf leachates on the activit of the microbial community associated to leaf litter in streams, Master Thesis 2008 (*Beste Masterarbeit an der BTU 2008).
  • Mummert, Susann: Konkurrenz zwischen heimischen und eingewanderten Cyanobakterien - Keimungs- und Wachstumsexperiment bei unterschiedlichem Lichtangebot (Experiment mit natürlichem Sediment aus dem Melangsee), Diplomarbeit 2008.
  • Musa Eria, Ali: Analysis of the costs and benefits of passive treatment of acid mine drainage from Lake Drehna compared to conventional active treatment technologies - Analyse der Kosten und Nutzen passiver Verfahren zur Behandlung von sauren Tagebauwässern des Drehnaer Sees im Vergleich mit konventionellen aktiven Verfahren, Master Thesis 2008.
  • Räpple, Bianca: Stream Rehabilitation - Geomorphic effects of wood and sediment addition in restoration of a sand-bed stream, Bachelor Thesis 2008.
  • Seidel, Michael: Entwicklungsmaßnahmen von Tieflandbächen mit Holz - Vergleich von Einbauvarianten im Ruhlander Schwarzwasser, Diploma Thesis 2008.
  • Stüken, Anke: Cylindrospermopsin and cylindrospermopsin producing cyanobacteria in the area Berlin-Brandenburg, PhD Thesis BTU Cottbus/IGB Neuglobsow 2008.
  • Anu Mbunya, Charles: Germination conditions of cyanobacterial akinetes in the sediment of Lake Melangsee, Master Thesis BTUC 2007.
  • Baharuddin, Ichsa Invanni: Spatial Heterogeneity of Sediment Composition and Accumulation in Mining Lake Plessa 117 - Lusatia, Brandenburg, Germany, Master Thesis BTUC 2007.
  • Gellineau, Anika: Consequences of riparian restoration and wood recruitment on management of lowland streams - case study from North Gemany. Master Thesis BTUC 2007.
  • Shresta, Dibyashree: The study of performance of Heinrichsberg contructed Wetlands in Germany during initial operation and assessment with reference to long term functioning systems, Master Thesis BTUC and Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal 2007.
  • Zixuan Zhang: Treatment of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Contaminated Groundwater in Constructed Wetlands - Process Characterisation in Small Scale Experimental Systems, Master Thesis BTUC 2007.
  • Bondarets, Viktoria : German model of water privatisation and potential for its application in the Ukraine, Master Thesis 2006.
  • Christen, Thomas: Horizontale Unterschiede trophierelevanter Parameter in großen Seen - Ihre Ausprägungen und Bedeutung für die Trophiebewertung, Diploma Thesis 2006.
  • Gentcheva, Iglika: Sedimentation Processes and Nutrients Turnover in Acidic Water Bodies during Experimental Treatment for Lake Remediation, Bachelor Thesis 2006.
  • Grüneberg, Björn: Benthic matter accumulation and nutrient remobilisation in geogenically acidified lakes, Dissertation 2006.
  • Rektins, Atis: Challenges to develop common freshwater ecological status assessment standards according to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive, Bachelor Thesis 2006.
  • Schade, Johannes: Modelling of silicon inputs into river and lake systems, Diploma Thesis 2006.
  • Benko, Edina: Implementation of Water Framework Directive on the Danube River Basin concerning the phytoplankton assessment systems for the ecological quality, in Germany and in Hungary, Master Thesis 2005.
  • Endrulat, Tina: Phytoplanktonsukzession im Sommer 2004 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung toxinproduzierender Cyanobakterien im Scharmützelseegebiet, Diplomarbeit Universität Hannover und BTUC 2005.
  • Launhardt, Andrea: Limitation of diatom development in winter and spring by silicon and phosphorus, diploma thesis BTUC 2005.
  • Lübs, Heiko: Die Umsetzung der EU- Wasserrahmenrichtlinie mit Hilfe von geografischen Informationssystemen - GIS-Anwendung WRRL in Brandenburg, Diploma thesis BTUC 2005.
  • Schlief, Jeanette: The fate of leaf litter in extremely acidic mining waters. Dissertation. BTUC 2005.
  • Zerwer, Carolin: Dynamic of leaf decay in low flow and stagnant water with and without shredder (Gammarus pulex), Bachelor Thesis BTUC 2005.
  • Bayer, Tina: Die Phosphorbelastung des Wolziger Sees als Fallbeispiel für die Umsetzung der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (Quantification of External Phosphorus Loads in the Catchment of Lake Wolziger See, Case Study for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive), Bachelor Thesis BTUC 2004.
  • Ehrlich, Bert Toxicity of veterinary pharmaceuticals on aquatic macroinvertebrates. Diploma thesis University of Braunschweig/BTU Cottbus, 2004.
  • Henkel, Steffi: Bacterial production and community respiration - a comparison of methods, Diploma thesis BTUC 2004.
  • Herold, Ilko: "Gelöste Sulfide im Hypolimnion eutropher Seen - Bestimmung im Methodenvergleich und räumliche Ausdehnung in Verbindung zum rückgelösten Phosphor", diploma thesis BTUC 2004.
  • Fischer, Barbara: Limnological status analysis of the Kiebitzsee (Brandenburg, Falkenberg/Elster), Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 2004.
  • Kalbus, Edda: Einfluss von Totholz auf den vertikalen Wasseraustausch in Sandbächen (Effect of Wood on the Vertical Water Exchange in Sand-Bed Streams), Master Thesis BTUC 2004 (*Best master thesis at the BTU 2004).
  • Laures, Christine: Risks and Advantages of Privatising the Water Market in Eastern Europe - on the case study of Hungary, Bachelor Thesis BTUC 2004.
  • Lou, Haifang: Evaluation of the perception of quality, recreational value and degradation of streams and rivers in China, Master Thesis BTUC 2004.
  • Romankiewicz Clemens: Vitality of riparian trees of extremely acidic post-mining waters, Bachelor Thesis BTUC 2004.
  • Sperling, Karl: The Influence of Woody debris on Hydraulic Aspects at base flow in a Lowland Sand Stream, Bachelor Thesis BTUC 2004.
  • Taku, Lekealem Hilary: Simulation Of Atmospheric Gas Dispersion From Lake Nyos Using AUSTAL VIEW. Simulation of atmospheric gas dispersion from Lake Nyos using the programme package AUSTAL VIEW, Bachelor Thesis BTUC 2004 (second supervisor).
  • von Sperling, Daniel: Application of the MONERIS Nutrient Emission Model in the Upper Velhas River Catchment, Master Thesis BTUC 2004.
  • Becker, Michael: Sustainability Indicators for Watershed Management. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 2003.
  • Gebhardt, Katrin: Investigations on nitrification in acidic open-cast mining waters. Diploma thesis Uni Essen/BTU Cottbus 2003.
  • Henson Nkafu Nkengasong: Volcanic Lakes in Cameroon Case Study: Lake Nyos and Lake Monoun. Bachelor Thesis BTU Cottbus 2003.
  • Hofmann, Hilmar: Morphometric, hydrological and hydrogeological characterisation of the open-cast mining lake Plessa 117 (Grünewalder Lauch). Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 2003.
  • Jie Li: Control of Eutrophication in Dianchi Lake. Master Thesis BTU Cottbus 2003.
  • Menz, Doreen: Characterisation of soil organic matter in the land-water transition zone of a watercourse in the post-mining landscape. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 2003.
  • Ollivier, Delphine: Implementation of the European Nitrate Directive: Problems and a comparison between France and Germany. Master Thesis BTU Cottbus 2003.
  • Almeida Débora Fernandes: Gold Mining Activities in Minas Gerais State - Brazil and Acid Mine Drainage Generation. Master Thesis ERM together with Geohydrology, BTU Cottbus 2002.
  • Gonsiorczyk, Thomas: Interactions between sediment and water quality in stratified lakes with different trophic levels - Comparative sediment analyses of C, N and P turnover. Dissertation IGB Neuglobsow/ BTU Cottbus 2002.
  • Joseph, Juliane: Deadwood in the Ruhländer Schwarzwasser - Interaction and key for sustainable water development. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 2002.
  • Ksoll, Wilfried Benedikt: Evaluation of the Removal Efficiency of a Hybrid System with Respect to Phosphorus and Escherichia coli. Bachelor Thesis ERM, BTU Cottbus 2002.
  • Welzel, Christina: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen ausgewählter Modelle zur Beschreibung des trophischen Verhaltens von Flachseen der norddeutschen Tiefebene, Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 2002.
  • Wollmann, Kathrin: Structure, dynamics and feeding behaviour of the crustacean plankton of an acidotrophic bog lake. Dissertation IGB Neuglobsow/BTU Cottbus 2002.
  • Brethauer, Björn: Dynamics of deciduous fungal biomass and microbial respiration during the initial phase of decomposition of fallen leaves in a naturally acidic water body, Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 2001.
  • Deneke, Rainer: Investigations on the influence of stratification behaviour (Mixis) on trophic levels and plankton succession in eutrophic lakes with special consideration of the clear water stage in spring. Dissertation BTU Cottbus 2001.
  • Ockenfeld, Klaus: The significance of reduced water flow for phytoplankton-coupled metabolism and the oxygen balance of the Spree. Dissertation IGB Berlin/UFZ Magdeburg/BTU Cottbus 2001.
  • Ordonez Alfaro Javier Distribution of macrozoobenthos in Lake Scharmützelsee - A repitition of WUNDSCH's (1940) zoobenthos campaign of 1935. Bachelor Thesis BTU Cottbus 2001.
  • Pierau, Stefanie: Investigations on the resuspension of phosphorus-laden particles in Lake Lange (East Brandenburg) using an in situ erosion measuring device. Diploma thesis RTWH Aachen / BTU Cottbus 2001.
  • Steudtner, Jörg: Effectiveness of renaturalisation measures at the Neuendorfer Hauptgraben, Berkenbrück, Brandenburg. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 2001.
  • Bornschein, Solveig: Bed structure-dependent distribution and respiration of particulate organic matter (POM) in a sand-dominated lowland stream. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 2000.
  • Freitag, Birgit: Investigation of a possible MKW contamination of the Kleiner Kramssee on the former military training area and today's NSG "Kleine Schorfheide". Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 2000.
  • Heine; Patrice: Description and application of hydraulic and chemical design tools for modelling and predicting the wastewater treatment performance of constructed wetlands [Constructed treatment wetland]. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 2000.
  • Jander; Jörn: Isolation and characterisation of green algae from Restloch 111 - an extremely acidic open-cast mining lake in Lusatia. Diploma thesis HUB/ BTU Cottbus 2000.
  • Osten, Katja: External and internal phosphorus pollution of the Großer Treppelsee. Diploma thesis FH Zittau/BTU Cottbus 2000.
  • Richter, Peggy: Phytoplankton colonisation in extremely acidic open-cast mining lakes in Lusatia: Classification approaches and methodological problems. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 2000.
  • Daniel, Sandra: The importance of branch detritus for particle retention in sand-dominated streams. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 1999.
  • Gehm, Alexander: Investigations into the mineralisation of organic material in the eutrophic Scharmützelsee with special consideration of sulphide formation. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 1999.
  • Hämmerling, Ronny: Analysis of the current state of the Jabeler See and derivation of suitable remediation and restoration measures. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 1999.
  • Kosel, Isabel: Concept for the renaturalisation of the Demnitzer Mühlenfließ. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 1999.
  • Mathan, Cindy: The Storkow sewage treatment plant and the poplar plant in their effect on the water quality in the catchment area of the Wolziger See. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 1999.
  • Rohde, Anja: Hydrodynamic and morphological characterisation of the hyporheine interstitial of a sandy lowland stream. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 1999.
  • Wiedner, Claudia: Toxic and non-toxic cyanobacteria in waters of the Scharmützelsee region: Their occurrence in waters of different trophic levels and morphometry and control mechanisms of their dynamics in polymictic shallow lakes. Dissertation BTUC 1999.
  • Schmitt, Mechthild: Input and retention of lake-borne seston in a lowland watercourse. Dissertation BTUC 1999.
  • Dittrich, Maria: Phosphorelemination in stratified hard water lakes by hypolimnically induced calcite precipitation combined with deep water aeration. Dissertation IGB Neuglobsow/BTU Cottbus 1998.
  • Hoffmann, Anja: The colonisation by macrozoobenthos linked to the decomposition processes of alder leaves in a near-natural lowland stream in Brandenburg (Schlaube). Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 1998.
  • Schlief, Jeanette: The macrozoobenthos colonisation of alder leaf packs at different decay retention structures in a near-natural lowland stream (Schlaube). Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 1998.
  • Ender, Remo: Hydrochemistry of watercourses in two differently aged post-mining landscapes in Lusatia. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 1997.
  • Ruch, Kay-Uwe: Ecomorphological structures of streams influenced by open-cast mining. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 1997.
  • Hengst, Toralf: Development of a methodological approach for a complex technology comparison for lake restoration with special consideration of sediments. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 1996.
  • Heunisch, Christine: Studies on primary production in the littoral of open-cast mining lakes. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 1996.
  • Jendritzki, Doris: Investigations on seasonal nutrient dynamics in the open and interstitial waters of East Brandenburg lakes. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 1996.
  • Möller, Ron: Small-scale structures of a watercourse influenced by open-cast mining. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 1996.
  • Rüth, van, Petra: Changes in primary production in a largely natural stream at the outlet of a eutrophic lake. Diploma thesis TU Berlin/BTU Cottbus 1996.
  • Schötz, Anett: Development of retention and wetland biotope areas (in particular in small tributaries of standing waters) to fix or reduce nutrient loads, illustrated using the example of the Ressener Mühlenfließ. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus, 1996.
  • Grögor, Volker: A contribution to the hydrographic and limnological characteristics of selected dimictic waters of the Glubigsee chain under consideration of thermals and the oxygen balance. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 1995.
  • Joswig, Reike: Investigations on respiration in the outflow of a hypertrophic shallow lake. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 1995.
  • Kühne, Mike: Contribution to the comprehensive limnological characterisation of Lusatian open-cast mining lakes with special consideration of the carbon budget. Diploma thesis BTU Cottbus 1995.
  1. Mutz, Michael: Holz in Sandbächs des Tieflands und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Gewässerbettmorphologie, die Strömung und die Retention feiner organischer Partikel, Habilitation Chair of Limnology, BTU Cottbus 2003.

  2. Kleeberg, Andreas: Die benthische Phosphormobilität in Beziehung zum Eisen- und Schwefelkreislauf sowie deren Bedeutung in der Seentherapie, Habilitation Chair of Limnology, BTU Cottbus 2005.

  3. Wiedner, Claudia: Spatio-temporal dynamics of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in German lakes, Habilitation Chair of Ecology, BTU Cottbus 2009.

  4. Risse-Buhl, Ute: On the ecology of biofilm protists in lotic ecosystems: Linking protist diversity and their role in carbon flow across scales of flow variability, Habilitation Chair of Aquatic ecology, UFZ Magedeburg / BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg 2021.