Semester overview
Vorlesung/Übung Basics for Freshwater Management (e-learning module) (240501)
Mo 15:30 - 17:00, A/B week, 14.10.2024 to 10.02.2025, Virtuelles Modul
Study paths
- Environmental and Resource Management Master EPL / Examination regulations 2021
- Environmental and Resource Management Master ESC / Examination regulations 2021
Course content
This is an online course taught via Moodle. It follows a blended learning concept in a strict weekly rhythm. It consists of A) self-organized study of the learning material of the week (learning and lecture videos, reading material) and B) live meetings in the Moodle online classroom for clarification of open questions, discussion and exercises to reflect and consolidate the understanding of the past weeks learning material. The live meetings and short self-tests in Moodle will allow for your self-control of the learning progress. The blended learning in weekly rhythm requires your continuous participation. Please enroll in the Moodle course best before the start of the semester. The module is mandatory prerequisite for the course Freshwater Restoration Ecology (module 42505) offered in the summer semester.
Learning material and literature will be delivered during the lecture period via Moodle.
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dominik Martin-Creuzburg
- Dr. rer. nat. Jacqueline Rücker
- Dr. rer. nat. Dieter Leßmann
Hours per week
Basics for Freshwater Management (13298)
Vorlesung/Übung Gewässerschutz (240502)
Di 11:30 - 15:15, A/B week, 15.10.2024 to 04.02.2025, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / SR 4
Study paths
- Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Master (3. ) / Examination regulations 2018 / Modul 12744 Pflicht
- Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Master (1. ) / Examination regulations 2011 / Modul 42309 Pflicht
- Umweltingenieurwesen Master (1. ) / Examination regulations 2012 / Modul 42309 Pflicht (SR WI)
- Umweltingenieurwesen Master (1. - 3. ) / Examination regulations 2021 / Wahlpflicht
Course content
Please refer to the module description for course content.
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dominik Martin-Creuzburg
- Dr. rer. nat. Jacqueline Rücker
- Dr. rer. nat. Dieter Leßmann
Gewässerschutz (12744)
Prüfung Examination Basics for Freshwater Management (240503)
- Do 11:00 - 13:00, Einzel, at 27.02.2025, Lehrgebäude 1A / HS 2
- Do 11:00 - 13:00, Einzel, at 27.03.2025, Lehrgebäude 1A / 304
Study paths
- Environmental and Resource Management Master EPL / Examination regulations 2021
- Environmental and Resource Management Master ESC / Examination regulations 2021
- Environmental and Resource Management Master EE / Examination regulations 2021
Course content
Please refer to the module description for course content.
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dominik Martin-Creuzburg
- Dr. rer. nat. Jacqueline Rücker
Basics for Freshwater Management (13298)
Prüfung Gewässerschutz (240505)
So 01:00 - 02:30, Einzel, at 27.12.2015
Study paths
- Umweltingenieurwesen Master (1. - 3. ) / Examination regulations 2021 / Wahlpflicht
- Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Master (3. ) / Examination regulations 2018 / Pflicht
Course content
Please refer to the module description for course content.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dominik Martin-Creuzburg
Gewässerschutz (12744)
Vorlesung/Übung Freshwater Conservation (240509)
- Di 09:15 - 10:45, A/B week, 15.10.2024 to 04.02.2025, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / SR 3
- Fr 09:15 - 17:00, Einzel, at 07.02.2025, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / SR 3, Auswertung Hausaufgaben
Study path
Environmental and Resource Management Bachelor (3. ) / Examination regulations 2015 / Pflicht
Course content
The course is the first part of the module "Freshwater Conservation and Water Resource Management" (11647).
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dominik Martin-Creuzburg
- Dr. rer. nat. Jacqueline Rücker
- Dr. rer. nat. Dieter Leßmann
- Ph.D. Janine Rüegg
Hours per week
Freshwater Conservation and Water Resource Management (11647)
Seminar Seminar Abschlussarbeiten Gewässerschutz / Doktorandenseminar (240512)
Block week
Study paths
- Umweltingenieurwesen Master / Examination regulations 2012
- Environmental and Resource Management Master / Examination regulations 2006
- Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Bachelor / Examination regulations 2007
- Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Master / Examination regulations 2008
- Umweltingenieurwesen Bachelor / Examination regulations 2006
- Environmental and Resource Management PhD / Examination regulations 2017
Course content
Vorstellung aktueller BA- MA- und Doktorarbeiten, Präsentation der laufenden Forschungsprojekte des Gewässerschutzes.
- Insa Maria Franzmann
- Dr. rer. nat. Dieter Leßmann
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dominik Martin-Creuzburg
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Brigitte Nixdorf
- Tarn Preet Parmar
- Dr. rer. nat. Jacqueline Rücker
- Ph.D. Janine Rüegg
Research Colloquium (12244)
Prüfung Prüfung Ökologie und Management von Gewässern (240519)
Study paths
- Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Bachelor (4. ) / Examination regulations 2017 / Modul 12187 Pflicht
- Umweltingenieurwesen Bachelor (4. - 6. ) / Examination regulations 2006 / Modul 12187: Wahlpflicht
Course content
Please refer to the module description for course content.
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dominik Martin-Creuzburg
- Dr. rer. nat. Dieter Leßmann
Ökologie und Management von Gewässern (12187)
Prüfung Freshwater Conservation and Water Resources Management (240533)
Do 08:00 - 10:00, Einzel, at 20.02.2025, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / HS B
Study path
Environmental and Resource Management Bachelor (3. ) / Examination regulations 2015 / Pflicht
Course content
Please refer to the module description for course content.
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dominik Martin-Creuzburg
- Dr. rer. nat. Dieter Leßmann
Freshwater Conservation and Water Resource Management (11647)
Prüfung Ecology (240539)
Do 11:00 - 13:00, Einzel, at 27.03.2025, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / HS A
Study paths
- World Heritage Studies Master (2. - 4. ) / Examination regulations 2006 / Modul 41102
- World Heritage Studies Master (2. - 4. ) / Examination regulations 2008 / Modul 41102
- Environmental and Resource Management Bachelor (2. ) / Examination regulations 2015 / Modul 41102 Pflicht
Course content
- Module description
- Learning portal Moodle
- Dr. El Aziz Djoudi
- Dr. rer. nat. Dieter Leßmann
Ecology (41102)
Prüfung Prüfung Gewässerschutz und Wasserbewirtschaftung II (240549)
Study paths
- Umweltingenieurwesen Master (1. ) / Examination regulations 2012 / Pflicht (SR WI)
- Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Master (1. ) / Examination regulations 2011
Course content
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dominik Martin-Creuzburg
Prüfung Prüfung Freshwater restoration ecology (240560)
Study paths
- Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Diplom / Examination regulations 21
- Umweltingenieurwesen Diplom (8. - 9. ) / Examination regulations 22
- Environmental and Resource Management Master (2. ) / Examination regulations 2006 / Wahlpflicht
- Environmental and Resource Management Master (2. ) / Examination regulations 2011 / Wahlpflicht
Basic knowledge in Freshwater Ecology and Impacts to Freshwaters
Course content
The lecture provides an overview of surface water restoration ecology and techniques. The class starts on advanced level and presupposes knowledge of aquatic ecology, basics in inorganic chemistry and in physics of fluids. The class is organised in several units dealing with the approaches of restoration fighting different types of environmental problems in various freshwaters. Language: English
Methods and learning targets
In combination with 420314
Course assessment
Written examination
Further information
- Dr. rer. nat. Björn Grüneberg
- Dr. rer. nat. Dieter Leßmann
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dominik Martin-Creuzburg
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Brigitte Nixdorf
Freshwater Restoration Ecology (42505)
Prüfung Gewässerschutz und Wasserbewirtschaftung III (240650)
Study paths
- Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Master (3. ) / Examination regulations 2008
- Umweltingenieurwesen Master (3. ) / Examination regulations 2010 / Modul 42413 Pflicht (SR WI)
- Umweltingenieurwesen Master (3. ) / Examination regulations 2012 / Modul 42413 Pflicht (SR WI)
- Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Master (3. ) / Examination regulations 2011
Course content
Please refer to the module description for course content.
Further information
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Hinz
- apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Michael Mutz
Gewässerschutz und Wasserbewirtschaftung III (42413)