CU-Theme day: Key technology Polymer-based lightweight construction: from monomer to high-performance component

Compsites United is holding a theme day entitled "Key Technology Polymer-Based Lightweight Construction" with the participation of Prof. Seidlitz.

Under the participation of the Polymer-based Lightweight Design department of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg and the Fraunhofer IAP PYCO, a theme day will take place on 14.11.2019 in Wildau, Germany, focusing on polymer-based lightweight design as a key technology. This public CU event is also supported by TH Wildau, the competence center for energy- and resource-efficient lightweight construction in the Berlin-Brandenburg region, and will be organized as a joint event of the CU working groups "Fiber-Matrix-Haftung" and "Matrices". The agenda and the registration can be found under the link on the right.

Date comment:
For non-members a participation fee of 95,00 € (plus 19% VAT) will be charged.

Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt Schönefelder Kreuz ZLR III,
Schmiedestr. 2
15745 Wildau


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Seidlitz
Polymerbasierter Leichtbau
T +49 (0) 355 69-2344