Chair of
Engineering mechanics and machine dynamics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Ziegenhorn
I. Sagradov, D. Schob, H. Sparr, R. Roszak, P. Maasch, Numerical modelling for non-isothermal quasi-static experiments of SLS-PA12, 91th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2020/21 in Kassel
H. Sparr, R. Roszak, I. Sagradov, D. Schob, M. Ziegenhorn, Energy related thermomechanical material model validation in complex tensile testing with self heating, 91th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2020/21 in Kassel
D. Schob, I. Sagradov, F. Schütt, R. Boldt, A. Leuteritz, L. Siebert, R. Adelung, M. Ziegenhorn, Experimentelle Untersuchung und numerische Simulation von Polyamid-Graphenfolien, Nano goes Macro, Nürnberg, November 2019
H. Sparr, D. Schob, R. Roszak, I. Sagradov, M. Ziegenhorn, Multi-Relaxation Characteristics of Displacement and Temperature Field for Viscoplastic Material Behaviour, PCM–CMM, September 2019, Kraków, Polen
D. Schob, R. Roszak, I. Sagradov, H. Sparr, Material and damage behaviour of 3D printed polyamide 12 under shear loading, PCM–CMM, September 2019, Kraków, Polen
H. Sparr, D. Schob, R. Roszak, I. Sagradov, M. Ziegenhorn, Thermo-Viscoplastic Material Modelling for Self-heating Loads and its Experimental Verification, ICMM6, June 2019, Lund, Sweden
D. Schob, I. Sagradov, R. Roszak, H. Sparr, R. Franke, M. Ziegenhorn, A. Kupsch, F. Leonard, B.R. Müller, G. Bruno, Material and damage behaviour of 3D printed PA12 under cyclic loading, 6th edition of International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures (CFRAC) Braunschweig, June 2019
R. Franke, N. Klemm-Zhao, M. Ziegenhorn, D. Schob: Untersuchungen zu einem spezifischen Prüfverfahren für die mechanischen Eigenschaften von 3D-gedruckten thermoplastischen Kunststoffen,Additive gefertigte Bauteile und Strukturen, Deutscher Verband für Materialforschung – und Prüfung, Berlin, November 2016
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