Paper accepted at 2021 INGRoup Conference

We are happy to announce that the paper entitled „Teams under pressure: An integrative review of research on effective teamwork in adverse contexts” has been accepted for presentation at the 16th Annual INGRoup Conference.

The authors of the paper are Sebastian Raetze (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg), Anne Steputat-Raetze (TU Dresden), and Helene Mueller (TU Dresden). INGRoup is one of the leading conferences for interdisciplinary team research. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will be held virtually in October 2021.

Further information about this conference can be found at

Short Abstract

Research on teams operating in complex environments or dealing with adverse situations has occurred in various research field, all of which have applied their own labels, concepts, and methodological approaches. This review aims to systematically compare and integrate recent findings across domains based on bibliometric and content-analytical approaches.