»Security-related research and potential risks in international collaborations«

Online seminar for interested researchers

In this seminar, you will learn about the basic principles of research ethics and be sensitized to the problem of dual use of research results. Furthermore, current geopolitical developments and issues will be addressed. This concerns, on the one hand, the handling of risks in international research collaborations, which also include the exchange of data and the usability of research results, and, on the other hand, corresponding recommendations from funding organizations. Particularly when collaborating with researchers from countries of origin where there is a risk of certain research results being misused, it is necessary to weigh up the risks and opportunities. In addition to the legal framework conditions for security-relevant research, reference is also made to corresponding support measures at BTU. Finally, participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas.

Speaker: Dr. Katrin Weise, Unit for Research Funding

Link to the registration form

Date comment:
3rd date in the series of events on applying for third-party funding


Dr. rer. nat. Katrin Weise
HVP 1 Forschungsförderung
T +49 (0) 355 69-2716