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Culture and Technology is a Cultural Studies study programme that creates a unique relationship with the subject matter. Scientific and technological knowledge and methods are very significant achievements of human culture and have a lasting effect on humans' relationship to the world around them, their perceptions and references. The students should learn to understand the complex effects of natural sciences and technology on culture and be sensitized to the ethical problems that are connected with developments in science and technology.

Im Studium habe ich gelernt, mich schnell in verschiedene Sachgebiete einzuarbeiten, gut zu argumentieren sowie zwischen Kulturakteuren und Technikern zu vermitteln. Das sind Kompetenzen, die ich als Kulturmanagerin unbedingt brauche.
Professional Fields of Activity
- Management consultancy
- Cultural research on the introduction of new technologies
- Intercultural and interdisciplinary management
- Policy advice, especially on the areas technology assessment and innovative technology analysis
- PR and public relations
- Cultural work in internal operations (corporate strategies, business models, corporate communications)
- Market and trend research