Sustainable Initiatives at the BTU
In addition to measures implemented as part of the environmental management system, which are primarily aimed at the efficient use of limited resources, student- or employee-initiated, environment-related activities also represent an important aspect of environmental awareness at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Various initiatives and projects are briefly presented below. Anyone interested in getting involved is welcome to contact the initiatives directly using the contact options provided and become active.
BTU Bienen e.V.

The BTU Bienen e.V. was founded by Konstantin Kraider, student of Land Use and Water Management (M.Sc.). The goal is to install a natural and sustainable form of beekeeping at the BTU and, within the framework of the university beekeepers association (e.V.), to give all members of the university the opportunity to experience and be allowed to experience the wonderful world of bees. Interested persons are to be introduced theoretically as well as quite practically step by step to the kind-fair beekeeping. In the best case, with sufficient commitment, the member will be qualified to professionally and independently manage and care for honey bee colonies.
The first three hives moved to the BTU central campus in August 2018. In the meantime, the number has increased to 7 bee colonies.
Join the first student beekeeping club on BTU grounds - we welcome new members! Exciting work, fun and own honey are waiting for you.
Regular meetings during the lecture period: Thursdays, 7 to 8 p.m., online or in LG 3B Room 110
Working Group Bicycle Friendly BTU
The Working Group Bicycle Friendly BTU was founded by BTU employees with the conviction that a bicycle-friendly climate and bicycle-friendly infrastructure will lead to an increase in the use of bicycles as a means of transportation. This strengthens the health of employees, relieves road congestion and noticeably protects the environment. The WG is committed to ensuring that more employees use bicycles to get to their workplace at the BTU and that the BTU develops into a bicycle-friendly employer.
The WG meets every 2 months on the first Thursday of the month. To register and participate write to fahrradfreundlich(at)
Gumno - the Garden for All
Gumno (Sorbian for garden) represents a joint project of students from various faculties at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Work on the garden-for-all has been underway since summer 2014. The garden offers space for learning, experimenting and sharing knowledge and information about sustainable agriculture. Exchange, community, recreation and sustainability are the highest goals here. The shared space will create a podium for exchange between diverse cultures of the university's student body and professors, as well as Cottbus residents. Everyone can participate and contribute to the garden.
The Gumno Project welcomes questions and expressions of interest.
Address: Central campus, between the parking lot of LG 4, LG 4B and the sports field, Siemens-Halske-Ring.
Fablab stands for fabrication laboratory. The fablab Cottbus (fablabcb) is an open workshop where visitors can try out and develop new and old production methods themselves. Whether computer-controlled high-tech or traditional handicraft techniques - what is important is the enthusiasm for trying things out for oneself and for learning and developing together.
The non-profit association, which has been in existence since October 2013, won the StuRa's ideas competition and used the start-up capital thus obtained to purchase its first machines. The projects range from computer courses to sewing and knitting workshops. The workshop has four areas: a wood and metal workshop; an electronics lab that allows soldering and etching of circuit boards, or measuring with an oscilloscope and multimeter; a 3D printing or CNC milling area where 3D and 2.5D models can be made; and a place to work on textiles, with a sewing machine and everything else you need.
If you are interested in visiting the student-run hands-on workshop, more information can be found on the Homepage or on Facebook. The FabLab can be reached by email at info(at)
Opening hours in Lehrgebäude 3, Zentralcampus, Walther-Pauer-Straße 5, 03044 Cottbus:
Saturday, 2-6 p.m.
Bicycle workshop
The student bicycle workshop offers space, suitable tools, inexpensive spare parts and the necessary know-how to repair your own bike. The main focus here is on learning and trying things out for yourself. The motto is "Help for self-help - from a simple tube change to replacing the ball bearing".
The opening time (within the lecture period) is every Thursday from 19:00 to 20:30.
More information about the bicycle workshop can be found on Facebook.
Address: Teaching building 10 (basement), central campus (Erich Weinert Straße 1).