Vortrag – PD Dr. Udo Bröring: The Biological Revolution in the 19th Century
Sommervorträge 2019 – Why Environmental Humanities? | Vortrag von PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Udo Bröring, Diplom-Biologe und Zooökologe an der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
The foundation of scientific conceptions of a general development of all life by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace marked a turning point in the scientific world view both in humanities and in different fields of empirical science. The explication of a general theory of evolution was only possible within a certain intellectual and scientific climate that is an output of the age of the enlightenment, and is characterized by the complete separation of religion and science, the suppression of the concepts of Platonic idea and the Aristotelian ‘final cause’ in favour of a new concept of process and a new concept of teleology, so that causality and by this observation, experiment and experience gain a special role in scientific research. After merging Darwin’s approach with results from the field of genetics, the synthetic theory of evolution was advanced. By this uniform principles of life become clear. Based on this knowledge, in the first half of the 20th century modern biology as a scientific discipline could be established. Since man is part of the animate, results of biological research always concern humans themselves – hence his special concernment. Various consequences for a new constitution of the post-modern subject and for the fields of psychology, philosophy, theology, sociology and others are evident.
Udo Bröring studied biology, mathematics and philosophy at the University of Oldenburg and graduated in biology. He worked as a lecturer at the University
of Osnabrück from 1985 to 1986 followed by various positions both as lecturer and scientist at the University of Oldenburg and as consultant for the field of nature conservation and restoration from 1986 to 1994. In 1991 he received his PhD degree (Dr. rer. nat.) in the field of terrestrial ecology and biogeography followed by his habilitation at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus in 2002. Since 1994 Udo Bröring is an academic staff member at the Department of Ecology of the BTU Cottbus (now BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg).
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