Financing your Doctoral Studies

Apart from your living expenses, your PhD, of course, entails manifold costs for your research - e.g. field trips, experimental and lab work, software etc. For the financing of your doctoral studies, there are various options to choose from:

Qualification and Research Positions at BTU

As a doctoral candidate on a qualification position (budget financed), you will work in one of the departments at BTU for the duration of five years with the goal of completing your doctoral degree. Remuneration for the qualification position is usually in accordance with E 13 TV-L (German salary scale for doctoral positions). In addition to your own academic work you will also be involved in teaching and research work of your department and will supervise student assignments.

As an employee in a third party funded project, your own qualification is not an element of the employment relationship, although you will have the opportunity to work in a scientific environment in research and study for your doctoral degree at BTU outside your employment relationship.

Qualification and research positions are announced on the BTU job vacancies website.

Grants and Bursaries of the BTU Graduate Research School (GRS)

The Graduate Research School (GRS) is a central facility for the promotion of young academics at BTU. The GRS funding model is based on three pillars incorporating individual (e.g. individual grants and bursaries) as well as structural funding instruments (e.g. doctoral programmes). For doctoral students at BTU, GRS offers e.g. grants for conference participation and short research-related stays. GRS also awards a limited number of individual doctoral grants in accordance with the graduate funding regulation (GradV) of the state of Brandenburg. Furthermore, GRS also awards doctoral grants within the context of clusters. Clusters are structured doctoral programmes of limited duration which offer doctoral students a high quality academic and international research programme. International students also have the opportunity to receive teaching and research assistance from GRS. This GRS funding instrument is financed with funds of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and serves the improved skilled integration of international doctoral students at BTU.

For more information on the GRS funding schemes please visit the GRS website and subscribe to the GRS newsletter.

Central Equal Opportunities Office of the BTU

In addition, young academics may also apply for bursaries and travel allowances from the Central Equal Opportunities Office. For further details on announcement periods and requirements for approval please visit the websites of the Equal Opportunities Office.

Career Center of the BTU

The BTU Career Centre's comprehensive Online Job Exchange offers student and research assistant positions as well as BTU staff positions. In addition, you can find numerous part-time jobs, working student positions, internships and regional and national job offers.

Grants and Bursaries of External Sponsors

To find out if you are eligible for a scholarship or support from other funding organisations, we recommend the following websites:

Deutsches Stiftungszentrum
Scholarship Database of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD
Research in Germany

The BMBF-supported scholarships for gifted students are awarded on the basis of above-average performance and social commitment. You can find an overview of the current scholarships offered by the participating organisations on StipendiumPlus. You are welcome to find out more about the individual scholarship organisations before you start your search for a scholarship:

Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes - Flyer
Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft
Hans Böckler Stiftung - Flyer
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung - Flyer
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung - Flyer
Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst
Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk

We recommend using scholarship search databases to find specific funding opportunities:

ELectronic Research Funding Information System ELFI
Scholarship Portal

This list does not claim to be exhaustive - we will be happy to add more links as they become available!

Please contact us if you have any questions concerning the financing of your doctoral studies. We can offer comprehensive, individual advice.