The Master program in Social Work is a consecutive, applied program with a special focus on challenges of social change and social sustainability. As focal points, students in the 2nd Master semester can freely choose whether to deepen their knowledge in the field of "Management" or in the field of "Transformation Processes". Further elective options allow students to design an individual study profile.
The program is designed as a four-semester, full-time, face-to-face study program with 13 modules, in which a total of 120 ECTS are obtained.
The M.A. Social Work alone is not sufficiant for a state approved degree in the state of Brandenburg. The B.A. Social Work is required for this.
Professional Fields of Activity
The Master Social Work degree qualifies graduates for executive, dispositive, conceptual and research activities in all areas of social work. These include:
- Responsible activities with providers of social services as well as with institutions of social administration
- Leading functions with providers or associations
- Research activities in institutes for social science, universities of applied science and other universities
Qualification goals
- Academic deepening of specialized scientific basics of social work in dimensions of social transformation processes and social sustainability
- Basic knowledge in theory and practical relevance to the management of organizations in social work
- Competences in applied research and the ability for methodological classification