Branch of Study Aeroengine Design/Aviation Propulsion

In the summer of 2003, the BTU Cottbus, in cooperation with the two German aero engine manufacturers Rolls-Royce Deutschland and MTU Aero Engines as well as the German Aerospace Center (DLR), decided to introduce the study course in Aeroengine Design/Aviation Propulsion, which is unique in Germany.
The engine technology deals with aero engines, i.e. engines for aircraft, helicopters and other aircraft. In addition to application orientation, emphasis is placed on teaching generally applicable, modern and, in particular, computer-aided procedures and methods of product development.
The contents of the lectures, which are supported by experts from the two aero engine manufacturers MTU Aero Engines and Rolls-Royce Deutschland, also located in Brandenburg, offer further fields of employment, for example in the energy industry or the automotive industry.
Teaching in aero engine technology is closely interwoven with research activities in this field. In 2005, the BTU became the first university in Germany to become a member of the worldwide Rolls-Royce research network, the so-called University Technology Centres. This provides BTU students with early contacts in industry for their theses or internships. Many students use this connection to work as student assistants in exciting research projects.
Further information can be found in the flyer of the study course Aero-Engine Technology (in German).
According to the study regulations of the Master's programme in Mechanical Engineering, it is necessary to submit a study plan confirmed by a responsible mentor to the examination board by the end of the first semester.
This study plan should indicate the selection of the required compulsory and optional modules as well as the individually chosen deadlines for taking the individual examinations.
The mentor has the right to reject a proposed study plan or to impose conditions for modification. The change of mentor, as well as deviations from an approved study plan, require the approval of the examination board.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arnold Kühhorn is the responsible mentor for the field of study Aero-engine Technology in the Mechanical Engineering degree program.
Mark Golze, member of the SMF staff, is responsible for the preliminary examination of the study plan on behalf of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arnold Kühhorn.
Contact details Mark Golze:
LG 3A, room 116
T +49 (0) 355 69 4847
The following procedure is recommended to confirm the necessary study plan:
- Download the template for the study plan (see below)
- Comparison of the compulsory and optional modules stored in the study regulations with the modules of the Bachelor's degree course taken so far and possible adjustment of the individual study plan
- Contact with Mark Golze
- Presentation of the curriculum and the Bachelor's certificate (also a copy) to M. Golze for comparison of possible overlapping subjects and for individual consultation
Templates for the study plan (in German)
The examination regulations (in German) can be found under the following link