Final theses

Current topics

Topic for a Master's thesis - Completion in summer semester 2023

  • Frequenzbasierte experimentelle Identifikation strukturellen Mistunings integraler Verdichter- und Turbinenlaufräder
    engl: Frequency-Based Experimental Identification of Structural Mistuning of Inte-grally Bladed Compressor and Turbine Rotors
    Task (in German)
  • Untersuchungen zur Auswirkung von Materialinhomogenitäten und -fehlern auf das Schwingungsverhalten von Strukturen
    engl: Studies on the effect of material inhomogeneities and defects on structural vibration
    Task (in German)
  • Untersuchungen zur Auswirkung des umgebenden Fluides auf das Schwingungsverhalten von Strukturen
    engl: Studies on the effect of the surrounding fluid on structural vibration
    Task (in German)

Topic for a Bachelor's or a Master's thesis

  • Experimental vibration investigation on the influence of the surrounding fluid on damping
    Task (in German)

Further Information on all topics

     Alex Nakos
     LG 3A, Room 112 - Appointment by arrangement by telephone or e-mail
     T +49 (0) 355 69 5138

Guidelines for the preparation of scientific papers

For the preparation of scientific work at the Chair of Structural Mechanics and Vehicle Vibrational Technology we have compiled some useful hints, which you can find
here (in German).