MR4B Mixed-Reality-Anwendungen und Künstliche Intelligenz für den Mittelstand in Berlin und im Berliner Umland

Project duration: 2022-2025

Project owner: Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Project partner: X-Visual Technologies GmbH

Project description: The WIR! alliance "MR4B" has set itself the goal of implementing VR/AR applications in the project region "Berlin and surrounding areas of Berlin", but especially in old industrial areas of Brandenburg. This is to be achieved by networking developers, users, promoters of innovations and other relevantly interested actors. In this way, the innovation-driven structural change is to be carried out of Berlin into the surrounding areas.

Together with X-Visual Technologies GmbH, the department is responsible for the strategy development of the project. In order to continuously develop the alliance strategy and to align it with the alliance goals, activities in three areas, technological development, market and user observation and regional development are pursued in this project.

The department is responsible for identifying the drivers and barriers for the use of VR/AR applications and for determining the potential of these technologies. In addition, the following questions will be investigated:

  • Which companies are candidates for new services and the improvement of their value chains?
  • How can possible cooperations with the economic development institutions of the municipalities, the chambers of commerce and industry and with co-working initiatives and showrooms look like?
  • Which best practices for regional initiatives can be established for the introduction of AR/VR applications in combination with AI and what are the requirements for immersive co-working spaces in rural areas and their networking?

Further information:  (German only)