Florian Rietmann

Born in 1980, Dipl.-Ing. Florian Rietmann studied architecture at the Brandenburg University of Technology (Germany) and the University of Granada (Spain) and holds a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in History and Theory of Architecture from ETH Zürich. Since 2010 he worked as architect in Germany and Switzerland in the fields of design competition, execution and project management, as freelance writer for architecture publications and volunteered in the earthquake-enhanced reconstruction of a destroyed village in Nepal. Since April 2020 he is researcher in the DFG Research Training Group "Cultural and Technological Significance of Historic Buildings" at the University of Technology Brandenburg, where he is currently working on his dissertation “The History of the Prora Building Complex”.

Reserach focus: Architectural history and theory from the 20th century to the present, architecture between politics and society.


Research project: The History of the Prora Building Complex



Rietmann, Florian (forthcoming 2024): The ‚Colossus of Prora‘; Contested Heritage and its Hold on the Present, in: AMPS Proceedings Series. Prague Heritages; Past and Present - Built and Social / Architecture_MPS Journal, 2024.

Rietmann, Florian (forthcoming): Flora Steiger-Crawford, Beitrag zur Architektin Flora Steiger-Crawford und ihren wichtigsten Bauten, in: Schweizer Architektinnen, www.schweizerarchitektinnen.ch

Rietmann, Florian (2023): The Ongoing History of an Unloved Structure; ‚Prora‘ and its Rigid Resilience, in: Anastasia Karandinou, Counterarchitecture in collaboration with UEL and Arup, Proceedings of the International Conference. Repurposing Places for Social and Environmental Resilience, 2023, pp. 35–38.

Rietmann, Florian (2021): Die Kolonie für Sonnentherapie in Legnano von BBPR. Individuum, Kollektiv und die perfekt organisierte Gesellschaft, Master Thesis, unpublished, MAS Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur, ETH Zürich, July 2021.

Rietmann, Florian (2020): «Raus aus der Höhle», Umbau des Ekkharthofes in Lengwil durch den Architekten Lukas Imhof, Architekturkritik in: Hochparterre, März 2020.

Rietmann, Florian (2017): «Wie ein Grüppchen Zwischennutzerinnen sein eigenes zukunftsfähiges Stadtviertel schuf», Reportage zu den Möglichkeiten des Erbbaurechts am Beispiel der ehemaligen Rotraprint Fabrik in Berlin Wedding, in: Das Lamm, 3. Oktober 2017.



13 July 2023    «The Contested Heritage of ‚Prora‘: Layers of the Past and Social Formations of the Present», presentation at VI CHAM International Conference Heritage for a Common Future / Futures for a Common Heritage, NOVA University Lisbon.

29 June 2023    «The ‚Colossus of Prora‘; Contested Heritage and its Hold on the Present», presentation at the international conference Prague – Heritages. Build and Social – Past and Present, AMPS and Czech Technical University Prague.

23 March 2023    «The Ongoing History of an Unloved Structure; ‚Prora‘ and its Rigid Resilience», Vortrag auf der internationalen Konferenz Repurposing Places for Social and Environmental Resilience, University of East London and ARUP.

25 January 2023    Closing Statement, International Workshop Approaching Difficult Heritage: Representation, Interpretation and Preservation between Europe and East Asia, organized by I-Wei Wu, BTU Cottbus.


Teaching experience:

Summer Semester 2022    Seminar «Museum Architecture and Exhibition Design», Chair of Art History, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, for the study programmes World Heritage Studies, Heritage Conservation and Site Management, Bauen und Erhalten, Architecture (Master).

Herbst 2015    3-wöchiger Workshop in erdbebenertüchtigter Selbstbauweise für Einwohner des Dorfes Brabal, Langtang-Region (Nepal), für die Hilfsorganisation «Sunaulo Sansar».