Katrine Majlund Jensen
Born in 1989, M.A. World Heritage Studies at the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Master Thesis: “An Affective Affair: An Experiential Approach to Heritage”, (2016–2019); B.A. Aesthetics and Culture at the Faculty of Arts, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University, Denmark (2011–2014); Semester at Faculty of Social Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2014); Part of the Young Professionals ICOMOS ISC20C Mentoring program; Recipient of the Women’s Advancement Initiative scholarship, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg”; Internship at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, exhibition “Neolitische Kindheit, ca. 1930”; Project coordinator and recipient of European Commission Funding, Youth in Action and Gwärtler Stiftung for the project Contemporary use of Listed Buildings, “CineEast Short Film Festival Berlin”, Kühlhaus Berlin. Coordinating tutor-in-chief at School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University, Denmark. Since April 2020 Research Associate in the DFG Research Training Group “Cultural and Technological Significance of Historic Buildings” at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.
Research Focus: Ruins of Modernity; Cultural Landscapes; Contemporary Archaeology; Experimental Preservation; Phenomenology and Built Heritage; Critical Heritage Studies.
Research Project: Experiential Practice as Preservation Process: an Approach to the Recent Ruin
Jensen, Katrine Majlund: Artistic Practice as Preservation Process. An Experiential Conception of Heritage in Transformation, Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, Concepts of Transformation (forthcoming).
Jensen, Katrine Majlund: Artistic Practice as Preservation Process. The Performative Potential of Montage, Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge, no. 04 Essentials of Montage, Transcript (forthcoming January 2023).
Jensen, Katrine Majlund / Rellensmann, Luise: Experiential Preservation as Critical Heritage Practice. On Le Corbusier‘s Villa Savoye in Ruins, in: Ruinen aus der Sicht der Kulturwissenschaften: Materialität im Verfall – Nachnutzungen – Umdeutungen, Hamburg 2022, pp. 143–158.
Jensen, Katrine Majlund: Framing Fragments. Architectural Montage as Critical Preservation, Archimaera, no. 10 Fragment, September 2022.
Jensen, Katrine M. “An Affective Affair: An Experiential Approach to Heritage.” Master Thesis, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus-Senftenberg, 2019.
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage. Tilgange til bevaringen af det tyvende århundredes kulturarv. Madrid-New Delhi Document 2017. Translation by Katrine M. Jensen. Berlin: ISC20C, 2018.
Jensen, Katrine M. “Artistic Practice as Preservation Approach. An Alternative to Grand Narratives.”, Heritage Conservation and Ideologies – A Reader. (2017) 94–108.
Conference “Heritages: Past and Present, Built and Social”, AMPS Research, Prague, 28–30 June 2023.
Title of presentation: “Creative preservation as approach to modern ruins: The Denge Sound Mirrors”. (in preparation)
NAF/NAAR 2021 Conference: “Concepts of Transformation”, The Nordic Association of Architectural Research at the Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark. 3–4 November 2021.
Title of presentation: “Artistic Practice as Preservation Process. An Experiential Conception of Heritage in Transformation”.
Lecture series “Ruinen aus der Sicht der Kulturwissenschaften: Materialität im Verfall – Nachnutzungen – Umdeutungen.” Department of Art History, University of Hamburg. 8 July 2021.
Joint lecture with Luise Rellensmann: “Recent Ruins Beyond Preservation: Aesthetic Re-contextualization as Critical Heritage Practice”.
Lecture series “Fragment-Diskurse. Theorien der Moderne im Zeichen des Fragmentarischen”. Department of Architectural Theory, Gastprof. Dipl.-Ing. Adria Daraban, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, 14 December 2020.
Title of lecture: “Experiential practice as preservation process. An approach to the recent ruin.”