Due to the (security) political developments and nationwide consulting needs of municipalities, the Chair of Architecture and Visualization at B-TU deals with construction planning and security measures to defend against attacks with vehicles.
In the "Action Plan for Better Protection of Public Space" of Oct. 17, 2017, the European Commission noted that "public space ... has recently been the target of repeated terrorist attacks, with perpetrators taking advantage of the inherent vulnerabilities of so-called 'soft targets' due to their openness and public nature."( This affected pedestrian zones, landmarks, transportation hubs, shopping centers, places of worship, outdoor markets, concert halls, and metropolitan squares, as demonstrated, for example, by the attacks in Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, London, Manchester, Nice, and Stockholm.
In line with the EU Commission's initiative, in the fall of 2017 the B-TU expressed its support for a project project of the "German Forum for Crime Prevention (DFK)" foundation for the protection of public spaces from acts of crossing. In cooperation with the Competence Center International Security of the Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln (KIS/RFH-Köln), a standardization process for security technology such as barriers and bollards should be initiated via DIN e.V. in Berlin, which will be incorporated into the city's appearance.
At the end of May 2018, an expert workshop on "Vehicle safety barriers - standard-compliant access protection and event security in the context of integrated cityscape-compatible security concepts" was held at DIN e.V. in Berlin as a kick-off event. In 2019, this gave rise to the initiative for the DIN SPEC (PAS) 91414-1 project "Mobile vehicle safety barriers for safety requirements. Part 1: Requirements, test methods and performance criteria".