EventEvent titleOfficer
"FraunhoferEnergie Talk" Current challenges (Leipzig, November 30, 2022)"Germany in grade? On the situation in the Energy Economics in winter 2022" | SlidesProf. Dr. Felix Müsgens
AI → understandable: AI + energy (September 29, 2022)"AI in Energy Economics" | SlidesProf. Dr. Felix Müsgens
8th International conference on Time Series and Forecasting, Gran Canaria, Spain. (06.2022)"Bridging Fundamental models with the econometric approach for electricity price forecasting"Dr. Souhir Ben Amor
32nd EURO Conference on operations research. Espoo, Finland. (07.2022)"Making transmission system planning robust to extreme weather events - an application of adaptive robust optimization"Maximilian Bernecker
Research seminar of the chair of energy economics at the BTU. Cottbus, Germany. (06.2022)"Making transmission system planning robust to extreme events"Maximilian Bernecker
Final workshop BMWK funding project Prokomo BTU and KIT (13.05.2022)"Energy system models for practice - where and where better not?"Prof. Dr. Felix Müsgens
Research seminar DLR Decarbonized industrial processes (04.05.2022)"Control energy markets - source of income for flexibility with challenges in market design"Prof. Dr. Felix Müsgens
IHK Committee for Environment and Energy IHK Cottbus (27.04.2022)"Energy transition in Germany, energy research in Lusatia - and what does Ukraine have to do with it?"Prof. Dr. Felix Müsgens
Hertie School Energy Research Seminar (February2nd, 2022)"The inter-annual weather variability in structural power system modeling"Smaranda Sgarciu
Conference on Climate, Weather and Carbon Risk in Energy and Finance - Department of Mathematics (uio.no), Oslo, Norway, (May 30th - June1st)"Clustering techniques for stochastic weather modeling in energy systems" Full presentationSmaranda Sgarciu