Presentations (selection)
Behrensen, Birgit (19.11.2021): The children's convalescent home as a total institution: dynamics of incapacitation. Lecture at the congress: DAS ELEND DER VERSCHICKUNGSKINDER III, Borkum and online.
Behrensen, Birgit (27.10.2021): "Labor Market Integration and the Importance of the German Language: Sociological Explorations in a Complex Field," Key Note at Start Guides Fachtag, Hannover.[to lecture manuscript]
Behrensen, Birgit (14.06.2021): Political Responsibilities and Challenges for Housing Accommodation in Cities and Counties. Presentation at the strategy and networking meeting "Von der Unterbringung zum Wohnen: Improving the housing situation of refugees in Brandenburg". Online.
Behrensen, Birgit (25.02.2021): "Fluchtmigration als Soziale Frage" [Refugee Migration as a Social Question], online lecture in the context of the event series "Schwarz ist der Ozean Was haben volle Flüchtlingsboote vor Europas Küsten mit der Geschichte von Sklavenhandel und Kolonialismus zu tun?" [Black is the Ocean What do full refugee boats off Europe's coasts have to do with the history of the slave trade and colonialism], Osnabrück.
Behrensen, Birgit (06.10.2017): "Germany as a country of immigration?", lecture in the context of the intercultural week in Cottbus in cooperation with the working group FluMiCo.
Behrensen, Birgit (30.05.2016): „Trauma und Bildung" , Lecture as part of the conference „Junge Flüchtlinge in Kita und Schule stärken" in Osnabrück, available Online
Behrensen, Birgit (27.05.2016): "Kinder mit Fluchterfahrungen in Kindertageseinrichtungen", presentation in the context of the extended management meeting KiTa Bremen (Bremens städtische Kinder- und Familienzentren).
Behrensen, Birgit (13.01.2016): "Refugee children and their parents in the Kita: What does a good pedagogy need?", Katholischer Gemeindeverband Bremen.
Behrensen, Birgit (05.11.2015): "Flight - Trauma - Education: Scientific Reflections on Current Challenges for Pedagogical Work", opening lecture, 8th Youth Welfare Conference "Komplexe Problemstellungen der Jugendhilfe - Vielfältige Lösungen?!", Mainz.
Behrensen, Birgit (16.03.2015): "Als pädagogische Fachkraft in der Kita Mütter, Väter und Kinder mit Flüchtlingserfahrungen begleiten", Volkshochschule Nordhorn.
Behrensen, Birgit (20.10.2014): "Heterogeneity and Individual Support: Theoretical Reflections on Challenges and Dilemmas.", Conference "Individual Support as a Way to Inclusive Schools", Evangelische Akademie Loccum.
Behrensen, Birgit / Schwer, Christina (06.10.2010): "Beziehung und Begabungsförderung". Forum "Attachment and Relationship", nifbe, Bassum.
Behrensen, Birgit / Sauerhering, Meike (25.08.2010): "Individual support, support for giftedness, self-competence". Exhibition opening, nifbe, Nordhorn.
Behrensen, Birgit / Sauerhering, Meike (19.05.2010): "Every child is gifted - some have special ones: Individual support as an opportunity to promote giftedness", Kick-off event of the Kooperationsverbund Hochbegabung. Munster.
Behrensen, Birgit (23.03.2010): "Selbstständigkeit hat Potenzial. Berufliche Chance für Migrant/innen - Chance für die Wirtschaft". Event "Diversity as a Program" of the Municipality of Munster.
Behrensen, Birgit (04.01.2010): "Gesellschaftliche Integration von Müttern mit Migrationshintergrund durch Bildung und Arbeit", opening event of the IDA model project "GEMINI - Gemeinsam für Integration", Bergisch Gladbach.
Behrensen, Birgit (27.11.2008): "Interkulturelle Kompetenzen". Symposium of the State Prevention Council of Lower Saxony "Intercultural Competence in Domestic Violence", Hanover.
Behrensen, Birgit (23.04.2008): "Geschlechtsrollenwandel und Migration", exhibition opening of the Evangelische Studierendengemeinde: "Frauen in der Migration - Wege in die Gefahr?". Wuppertal.
Behrensen, Birgit (28.06.2007): "Fachreferat zur Qualifizierung und zum Einsatz von Sprach- und Kulturmitlern", Fachgespräch "Migration, Flucht und Gesundheit" des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, Stuttgart
Behrensen, Birgit (30.03.2007): "On the way to a 'normal' life? An Analysis of the Health Situation of Asylum Seekers in the Osnabrück Region," Expert Talks on the Implementation of EU Directives by the Refugee Lobby Organization Pro Asyl. Berlin.
Behrensen, Birgit (28.11.2006): "Return and Reintegration Support - Possibilities and Limits", Symposium "Perspective Counseling and Return Support" of the German Red Cross, Berlin.
Behrensen, Birgit (28.11.2005): "Prospects for a normal life? Armut und Ausgrenzung von Asylsuchenden in Deutschland" [Poverty and exclusion of asylum seekers in Germany], lecture series "Armut, Reichtum, Hartz IV" [Poverty, wealth, Hartz IV] of the AK Forum Osnabrück.
Behrensen, Birgit (24.10.2005): "The training of language and cultural mediators", symposium "Arriving from afar" of the National Temagrupp Asyl, Gothenburg, Sweden.