Work in science during the Corona pandemic

Research Supervisors:Dr. Virginia Kimey Pflücke (Faculty 5) and Kathrin Coobs (Faculty 4)
Client*s:Brandenburg State Conference of Gender Equality Officers (LaKoG)
Research Collaboration:WiMis: Juliana Misina and Stefan Eltner (both M.A.)
Research methods:Quantitative survey with qualitative focus interview deepening.
Project duration:October 2021 to May 2022

Learning under COVID-19 Conditions: Challenges for Refugee Children and Youth (LCB).

Research ManagementProf. Dr. Birgit Behrensen
Research MethodExplorative Interviews
Project duration2020 - 2021
FundingOwn funds
ResultsResults of the exploratory research were presented at the 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA). Together with Prof. Dr. Vasiliki Kantzara (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens) and Dr. Martina Loos (Independent Researcher, Berlin) the research stream RS 15: "Teaching, Learning and Training under Covid-19 Lockdown Conditions" was designed there.

Scientific support for the FMI -Fachzentrum für Soziale Arbeit in den Bereichen Migration und Integration

Head of ResearchProf. Dr. Birgit Behrensen
Research collaborationKathrin Coobs
Research methodsParticipant observation, expert interviews, content analysis, descriptive statistics
Project duration03.05.2017 - 31.12.2019
CooperationISA e.V. (to the website)
FinancingISA e.V.
ResultsThe results of the scientific monitoring were used for the internal further development of the FMI.

Evaluation "Art of Inclusion"

Head of researchProf. Dr. Birgit Behrensen
Research collaborationStudents of the MA Social Work program (teaching research project)
Research methodsparticipant observation, written and oral interviews
Project duration01.04.2019 – 31.03.2020
CooperationEducation Laboratory
FinancingTravel costs to international project meetings are financed by funds of the European Union (Erasmus+ Programme, Strategic Partnerships in Adult Education 2018-2020) via the project coordination Education Laboratory.
Note to studentsThe students of the MA teaching research project have published a summary of the project. view document