University Dialogue with the muslim World: Libanon

The proposed project is the result of a successful Fact Finding Mission to Lebanon last year. Thematically, the cooperation focuses on the research field of voluntary standard systems (VSS) as a tool for sustainable development, production and consumption. This broad subject will be further divided into two core fields, which are particularly relevant for Lebanon:

  1. sustainable production and consumption in the agricultural sector
  2. sustainable urban planning, design and construction

The main goal of the project is to establish a long term scientific and cultural dialog between the German and Lebanese partners within 3 years. In the first year, the main focus will be the close cooperation between the German and Lebanese Universities (BTU CS, LAU and USEK), that provide the basis for the aims of the second project year:

  1. Improving social, cultural and academic dialog between students and young scientists in Germany and Lebanon
  2. Improving the knowledge and information transfer between German and Lebanese partners

Year two will add local stakeholder groups to the project and regional academic and industry actors will be invited to participate in the final year of the project. Therefore, the dialogue will be developed and strengthened first at the University level, and will later be expanded to national level and till the regional level.

The project activities have a special focus towards the strengthening of the Communication to sustainability in production and consumption, as well as an increase of the attractiveness and competitiveness of study programs offered by the partner universities. Furthermore, the project is targeting to support in particular future graduates and young researchers, which are considered to be the main determinant of continuous improvement of the human resource capacity.


Head of Project: Prof. Dr. Michael Schmidt

Project Coordination: Antje Katzschner, M.A.
Erich-Weinert-Str. 1, LG 10, Raum 517b 
Tel.: 0355/ 69 2113 
Fax: 0355/ 69 3086
E-mail: antje.katzschner(at)