National Code of Conduct for German Universities Regarding International Students

BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg wants the international student at its university to feel comfortable! It has, therefore, connected with the “National Code of Conduct for German Universities Regarding International Students”. With this code signatory universities are obliged, whenever possible, to provide the same rights to international prospective and enrolled students, as would be given to German or assimilated EU students. Furthermore, good advice and special care should be provided to them during their studies. That also means that the participating universities must agree on standards of quality. 

The Code of Conduct governs how the authorization process is preformed and which standards you can expect, as a BTU student, in technical, linguistic and social (after) care.

In accordance with the signing of the Code of Conduct, BTU Cottbus has established a complaints office:

Simone Ruhwald
Consultant for diversity and health
T +49 (0) 355 69 3390

Please go to the complaints office if you experience the following problems:

  • You think that members of BTU or Uni Assist e.V., through their actions, infringed on the regulations of the Code of Conduct.
  • You think that the BTU website does not provide enough comprehensive information concerning what was obligated in the Code of Conduct.

The following problems are not related to the Code of Conduct. For these issues, the contact people in the International Office are available. They will help you find a solution to your problem.

  • Guidance on financial and social emergency situations
  • Availability of scholarships and financing of studies
  • Conflict with BTU members, which can first be cleared up through mediation by the International Office
  • You have problems in dealing with authorities or offices