Applied Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Carsten Hartmann (Lecturer in Applied Mathematics) in front of the blackboard in the lecture hall
Master of Science (M.Sc.)


Mathematics takes place everywhere. Its universality and precision leads to the mathematization of scientific, technological, medical and economic findings. The Master of Applied Mathematics can be studied in two different fields of study. The structure of the study is divided into the two Z refrain from "Mathematics with Science or Technical Application" (MNT) and "Business Mathematics" (WM).

One of the special features of the Master in Applied Mathematics is the high proportion of joint events with students from other disciplines. This promotes interdisciplinary work even before starting a career.

The study of mathematics should also enable the design and analysis of mathematical models, complex facts and the independent solving of scientific problems using mathematical theories and methods. The control of complex production cycles, analyses of financial markets or models for insurance processes require mathematical simulations using powerful computers. Therefore, the role of the mathematician as a mediator of ways of thinking and working, as an analyst of complicated processes and essential contexts, as a designer of models and algorithms and their implementation in computer systems is growing.

The master of applied mathematics can be fully concentrated in Cottbus, without completely renouncing the advantages of the metropolises in the surrounding area.

Schon während des Studiums sammelte ich Erfahrungen als Übungsleiter, in der Investmentberatung, in der Forschung und im Projektmanagement. Überall konnte ich meine mathematische Denkweise in Verbindung mit einem guten Gespür für Ergebnisse einbringen.

William Pipka, ist Versicherungsmathematiker, Funk Vorsorgeberatung GmbH
Alumna Kerstin Lamert

Das Studium in Cottbus ist sehr familiär. Man ist hier Teil einer kleinen Gemeinschaft und kann das Studium tatsächlich aktiv mitgestalten. Inzwischen bin ich sogar wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin.

Kerstin Lamert, ist als akademische Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftsmathematik an der BTU

Professional Fields of Activity

  • Roles of responsibility in industry, economy, government and academic institutions
  • Work in insurance companies, banks, consultancies etc.
  • Further third-level qualifications (e.g. PhD)

Applications and Admissions

Admissions Requirements

  • Proof of a mathematics-related bachelor's degree, in particular a Bachelor of Mathematics or a Bachelor of Business Mathematics
  • Sufficient similarity of content to the Bachelor's degrees is when training in analysis, linear algebra and applied mathematics is equivalent to the mathematics or business mathematics (Economathematics) bachelor's degree programmes at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.
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