Next Debate Training Evening

Students and BTU employees are welcome! No previous knowledge required!

What you need? Curiosity and a bit of courage...- Don't just register, come!

What do you gain? Exciting new people, lots of fun and a broadened horizon.

Debating - the art of presenting convincing arguments and counter-arguments on a contentious topic - this form of rhetoric, like any sport, requires practice and training.

The goal of the training evening on May 31 is to develop the argumentation and assertiveness skills of each person participating. At the same time, the awareness of good argumentation will be trained, both in the professional and private environment. Participants practice the art of listening attentively to one another and of specifically picking up on arguments put forward by the other person. And all this under the motto: We for a better culture of debate and discussion at the BTU!Jens Henning Fischer, Master Debate Trainer from Debate Consult, provides us with professional support and appropriate feedback.

Are you with us?

Registration Simply send a short e-mail (informal) to weiterbildung(at) [Participation in the debate training is only possible after prior registration].

Date comment:
Als Präsenz-Termin auf dem Zentralcampus

4. OG Raum 4.29
Hauptgebäude (HG)

Platz der Deutschen Einheit 1
03046 Cottbus


Birgit Hendrischke
T +49 (0) 355 69-2324