Amphibious vehicles for public transport: Award for the Institute for Floating Architecture Design and Construction e.V.

The Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB) has awarded a project of researchers from the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) at the 1st Federal Congress "Day of the Regions".

The idea of the Institute for Floating Architecture Design and Construction e.V.: to explore the potential of amphibious vehicles in the Lusatian Lakeland. Amphibious vehicles are already used for tourist purposes in other cities. However, the institute's idea goes further: amphibious vehicles are also to become an integral part of public transport in the Lusatian Lakeland.

The Institute for Floating Architecture Design and Construction e. V. with its board chairperson Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Höfler, also interim head of the Mobility Planning department at the BTU, would definitely like to implement the project. "The first step now would be a feasibility study," says Prof. Höfler. "It must clarify the spatial, technical and financial boundary conditions in the Lakeland. Based on this, the search then begins for partners who can implement such a project." So it will be a while before we actually drive amphibious vehicles to work or explore the sights in the Lusatian Lakeland.

A total of five teams received awards at the congress. All of them will receive prize money of 20,000 euros. It is intended to support the projects in realizing their ideas.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Höfler
Verkehrswesen und Stadtplanung
T +49 (0) 355 69-3299
The five award-winning teams, Prof. Frank Höfler in the center in the front row; Photo: SPRINT_Peter Himsel