The Chair's proposed research projects regarding the human-robot-collaboration consider to what extent the skilled worker is able to interact intuitively with the laboratory environment, whether different tasks can be handled simultaneously and whether the required calibration and adaption measures can be realized. By implementing a simple, universally applicable human-robot-interaction installation and maintenance processes can be improved significantly. Here, the focus is on the safety aspects resulting from the limited software and controlling knowledge of the operator. Intuitive operating strategies (controlling, monitoring, parameterizing) are supposed to support the decision making, to reduce training expenditures, the technical inhibition threshold as well as the risk of injuries and to enable cooperation between various task fields. User-specific configuration and visualization assistants capture and display established process operations and promote a methodical exertion of influence concerning complex system surroundings while meeting the respective requirements. As the chairholder, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Berger, is a member of the scientific society 'Montage, Handhabung und Industrieroboter' (MHI e.V.) the dissemination and discussion of research results is facilitated.
Further work focuses are:
- Transferring of the developed models and methods for singular robotic systems on interconnected systems, which are represented in the integrated laboratory in order to create an individual control architecture improving the adaptability and the dynamical behavior
- Scientific contributions to the investigation and elaboration of an operator centered safety concept concerning human-robot-collaboration and modular protective devices in adaptable environments in accordance with certified directives
- Development and experimental validation of innovative calibration and positioning strategies in integrated robotic cells