Job Shadowing Therapy Science
My expectations of Job Shadowing were to get an insight into the field of work as a physiotherapist. I hoped to be shown what possibilities I would have later on, if I should study therapy science.
The BTU organized the job shadowing for us because it is part of our orientation studies. This is also how the contact to the company Medizintechnik & Sanitätshaus Harald Kröger GmbH was established through BTU.
My expectations were met in all areas. I saw many different fields of work, was allowed to watch treatments, was allowed to assist in some cases and thus gained a great insight. The team was also very friendly and was always open to questions.
After many interesting stories from the staff, who have already had some good and some bad experiences in their jobs, I have now come to the conclusion that the profession of a physiotherapist is very versatile and exciting. You always have new cases, every day brings new experiences and it never gets boring.
I can definitely recommend the possibility of job shadowing, but I think that one week would be more effective. You get some impressions in one day, but there is more to discover in one week.
I would like to thank the team for the beautiful and instructive day.