Water Circulation Concept Berlin-Brandenburg

(Wasserkreislaufkonzeption Berlin-Brandenburg (Machbarkeitsstudie))

Short Description: Objective of the feasibility study is to develop a concept for the recirculation of the Berlin sewage treatment plant effluents through appropriate lowlands. In current scientific literature, the around Berlin distributed large-scale lowlands are discussed as sink-effective ecosystems for nutrients and pollutants to produce largely purged wastewater. The development of a concept for a lasting sustainable land use of lowland areas with clear water discharge under consideration of ecosystem relationships and the socio-economic environment shall show realizable possibilities with concrete practical relevance to the solution of the current waste water problems and future drinking water supply of Berlin.

Responsible: Prof. Dr. M. Schmidt, Dr. habil. W. Kratz, Prof. Dr. M. Succow (Ernst-Moritz-Arndt -Universität Greifswald), Prof. Dr. W. Ripl (TU Berlin), Dr. J. Zeitz (HUB), Dr. H. Kretschmer (ZALF)

Duration: 07/1996 - 01/1997

Funding Institution: Landesumweltamt Brandenburg

Key Words: Regional Water Balance, Drinking Water Supply, Water Cycle Concept Berlin/Brandenburg, Clear Water Discharge, Fens, Lowland Areas