Semester overview

Vorlesung Integrated Environmental Planning (2403111)


Mi 09:15 - 10:45, A/B week, 10.04.2024 to 17.07.2024, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / SR 3

Study paths

  • Environmental and Resource Management Bachelor (4. ) / Examination regulations 2005 / Modul 41202 Pflicht
  • Environmental and Resource Management Bachelor (4. ) / Examination regulations 2015 / Modul 41202 Pflicht
  • Orientierungsstudium 1Sem (1. ) / Examination regulations 2022
  • Orientierungsstudium 2Sem (2. ) / Examination regulations 2022


Folgende Komponenten des Moduls werden anerkannt und müssen bestanden werden: 1.

regelmäßige Teilnahme an der Vorlesung 2. Mündliche Prüfung 3. Regelmäßige Teilnahme

am Seminar und Teilnahme an Übungen ist verpflichtend (unentschuldigtes Fehlen im Kurs

nicht mehr als zwei Mal) 4. Vortrag 5. Hausarbeit (~2500 Worte)

Course content

Assessment mode: Continuous Assessment (MCA)

  • Oral performance assessment (duration 10 minutes, maximum 15 points)
  • Presentation (duration 10 minutes, maximum 15 points)

Requirements for grading:
To pass the module students need to gain a minimum of 12 points (the sum of points for the above mentioned module components).

Learning objectives:
See module description

Course assessment

Wenn zumindest eine der Komponenten der Modul-Voraussetzungen nicht erfüllt wurden,

kann diese Komponente in der nächsten Prüfungsperiode des gleichen Semesters nachgeholt

werden. Nur wenn alle (1-5) Komponenten der Modul-Voraussetzungen erfüllt wurden, kann

das Modul anerkannt werden. Wenn im zweiten Durchgang zumindest eine Komponente der

Modul-Voraussetzungen nicht erfüllt wurde, muss das komplette Modul im Semester des

folgenden Jahres wiederholt werden. Die Bewertungsgewichtung der einzelnen Komponenten

für die spätere Gesamtnote wird im Kurs angekündigt


See module description


  • Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. (NMU, UA) Michael Schmidt
  • Niyanta Avadhut Shetye
  • Dmitry Palekhov

Hours per week



Integrated Environmental Planning (41202)

2403111 in HIS

Seminar Integrated Environmental Planning (2403113)


  • Di 09:15 - 10:45, A/B week, 16.04.2024 to 16.07.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.18
  • Fr 09:15 - 15:15, Einzel, at 07.06.2024, Lehrgebäude 3B / 305
  • Fr 09:15 - 15:15, Einzel, at 05.07.2024, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / SR 2
  • Fr 09:15 - 15:15, Einzel, at 12.07.2024, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / SR 2
  • Fr 09:15 - 15:15, Einzel, at 21.06.2024, Lehrgebäude 3B / 305

Study paths

  • Environmental and Resource Management Bachelor (4. ) / Examination regulations 2005 / Modul 41202 Pflicht
  • Environmental and Resource Management Bachelor (4. ) / Examination regulations 2015 / Modul 41202 Pflicht
  • Orientierungsstudium 1Sem (1. ) / Examination regulations 2022
  • Orientierungsstudium 2Sem (2. ) / Examination regulations 2022

Course content

In the seminar obtained knowledge of the lectures will be broadened in students' presentations and essays and tested in form of oral performance assessment by the end of the semester.

Assessment mode: Continuous Assessment (MCA)

  • Oral performance assessment (duration 10 minutes, maximum 15 points)
  • Presentation (duration 15 minutes, maximum 15 points)

Requirements for grading:
To pass the module students need to gain a minimum of 12 points (the sum of points for the above mentioned module components).

Learning objectives:
See module description


See module description


  • Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. (NMU, UA) Michael Schmidt
  • Niyanta Avadhut Shetye
  • Dmitry Palekhov

Hours per week



Integrated Environmental Planning (41202)

2403113 in HIS

Seminar PhD - Colloquium Environmental Planning (2403152)


Di 11:30 - 13:00, A/B week, 09.04.2024 to 16.07.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.18

Study paths

  • Environmental and Resource Management PhD / Examination regulations 2009
  • Environmental and Resource Management PhD / Examination regulations 99

Course content

The topic of the PhD Colloquium Environmental Planning is changing annually according to the various research fields of the PhD students. Each student has to present the intermediate state of his PhD research methods and topics within the group.

The colloquium will take place monthly for all PhD Students at the Chair of Environmental Planning.

Leistungsnachweis: Status report PhD Thesis

The aim is to improve and warrant the quality of the PhD thesis according to the advanced knowledge and requirements of the subject area.
Thus the PhD students should present and discuss with other participants and experts current environmental issues and methods which are beyond their PhD research topics.


Theoretical and practical information are delivered by the PhD students and the supervisor

Further information



Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. (NMU, UA) Michael Schmidt

Hours per week



Research Colloquium (12244)

2403152 in HIS

Vorlesung Heritage Impact Assessment (2403311)


  • Mo 09:15 - 10:45, A/B week, 15.04.2024 to 15.07.2024, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / SR 4
  • Mo 09:15 - 10:45, Einzel, at 01.07.2024, Lehrgebäude 1A / HS 1, Ausweichraum (statt ZHG SR 4) am 01.07.2024 wg. HÖP-BV Öff. Recht

Study paths

  • Heritage Conservation and Site Management Master / Examination regulations 2015
  • Heritage Conservation and Site Management Master / Examination regulations 2013
  • World Heritage Studies Master / Examination regulations 2008

Course content

Please refer to the module description for course content.


  • Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. (NMU, UA) Michael Schmidt
  • Alaba Paul Obafemi Olukoya

Hours per week



Heritage Impact Assessment (11453)

2403311 in HIS

Seminar Heritage Impact Assessment (2403312)


Do 17:30 - 19:00, A/B week, 18.04.2024 to 18.07.2024, Hauptgebäude / HG 0.16

Study paths

  • Heritage Conservation and Site Management Master / Examination regulations 2015
  • Heritage Conservation and Site Management Master / Examination regulations 2013
  • World Heritage Studies Master / Examination regulations 2008

Course content

Please refer to the module description for course content.


  • Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. (NMU, UA) Michael Schmidt
  • Alaba Paul Obafemi Olukoya

Hours per week



Heritage Impact Assessment (11453)

2403312 in HIS

Vorlesung Heritage Impact Assessment (Online) (2403315)


Di 11:30 - 13:00, A/B week, 16.04.2024 to 15.07.2024

Study path

World Heritage Studies - Fernstudium / Examination regulations 2021

Course content

Please refer to the module description for course content.

Further information



  • Alaba Paul Obafemi Olukoya
  • Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. (NMU, UA) Michael Schmidt

Hours per week



Heritage Impact Assessment (Online) (12822)

2403315 in HIS

Seminar Heritage Impact Assessment (Online) (2403316)


Do 15:30 - 17:00, A/B week, 25.04.2024 to 18.07.2024

Study path

World Heritage Studies - Fernstudium / Examination regulations 2021

Course content

Please refer to the module description for course content.

Further information



  • Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. (NMU, UA) Michael Schmidt
  • Alaba Paul Obafemi Olukoya

Hours per week



Heritage Impact Assessment (Online) (12822)

2403316 in HIS

Vorlesung Entwicklung der Kulturlandschaft in Mitteleuropa (2403711)


Mo 11:30 - 13:00, A/B week, 08.04.2024 to 15.07.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.17

Study paths

  • Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Bachelor (2. ) / Examination regulations 2017 / Pflicht
  • Orientierungsstudium 1Sem (1. ) / Examination regulations 2022
  • Orientierungsstudium 2Sem (2. ) / Examination regulations 2022

Course content

Please refer to the module description for course content.


  • Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. (NMU, UA) Michael Schmidt
  • Michelle Heese

Hours per week



Entwicklung der Kulturlandschaft in Mitteleuropa (11902)

2403711 in HIS

Exkursion Entwicklung der Kulturlandschaft in Mitteleuropa (2403712)


Fr Einzel, at 07.06.2024

Study paths

  • Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Bachelor (2. ) / Examination regulations 2017 / Pflicht
  • Orientierungsstudium 1Sem (1. ) / Examination regulations 2022
  • Orientierungsstudium 2Sem (2. ) / Examination regulations 2022

Course content

Please refer to the module description for course content.


  • Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. (NMU, UA) Michael Schmidt
  • Dr.-Ing. Mirko Filetti
  • Michelle Heese

Hours per week



Entwicklung der Kulturlandschaft in Mitteleuropa (11902)

2403712 in HIS

Übung GIS-Übungen (2403713)


Mi 11:30 - 13:00, A/B week, 17.04.2024 to 17.07.2024, Die Veranstaltungen finden im LG 10, Raum 505 statt.

Study paths

  • Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Bachelor (2. ) / Examination regulations 2017 / Pflicht
  • Orientierungsstudium 1Sem (1. ) / Examination regulations 2022
  • Orientierungsstudium 2Sem (2. ) / Examination regulations 2022

Course content

Please refer to the module description for course content.


  • Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. (NMU, UA) Michael Schmidt
  • Dr.-Ing. Mirko Filetti

Hours per week



Entwicklung der Kulturlandschaft in Mitteleuropa (11902)

2403713 in HIS

Vorlesung Strategische Umweltprüfung und Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung (2403721)


Mi 11:30 - 13:00, A/B week, 10.04.2024 to 17.07.2024, Lehrgebäude 2C / 215

Study paths

  • Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Bachelor (6. ) / Examination regulations 2017 / Wahlpflicht
  • Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Master (1. - 4. )
  • Umweltingenieurwesen Master (2. ) / Examination regulations 2010 / Pflicht
  • Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Diplom / Examination regulations 21
  • Umweltingenieurwesen Master (2. ) / Examination regulations 2012 / Allgemeines Wahlpflichtmodul
  • Umweltingenieurwesen Master (1. - 3. ) / Examination regulations 2021 / Wahlpflicht


Plagiarism will result in the failure of the Module (5,0)


Regular attendance at seminar is obligatory (Veranstaltungsnummer: 4107722)

Course content

Please refer to the module description for course content.

Course assessment

Presentations  (presentations of groupworks) 25 % + Written Essay 25% + oral or written exam (50%)


  • Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. (NMU, UA) Michael Schmidt
  • PD Dr.rer.nat. habil. Udo Bröring

Hours per week



Strategische Umweltprüfung und Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung (11134)

2403721 in HIS

Seminar Strategische Umweltprüfung und Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung (2403722)


Fr 11:30 - 13:00, A/B week, 12.04.2024 to 19.07.2024, Die Veranstaltungen finden im LG 10, Raum 505 statt.

Study paths

  • Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Bachelor (6. ) / Examination regulations 2017 / Wahlpflicht
  • Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Master (1. - 4. )
  • Umweltingenieurwesen Master (2. ) / Examination regulations 2010 / Pflicht
  • Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Diplom / Examination regulations 21
  • Umweltingenieurwesen Master (2. ) / Examination regulations 2012 / Allgemeines Wahlpflichtmodul
  • Umweltingenieurwesen Master (1. - 3. ) / Examination regulations 2021 / Wahlpflicht


Plagiarism will result in the failure of the Module (5,0)


Regular attendance at seminar is obligatory (Veranstaltungsnummer: 4107722)

Course content

While the lecture provides fundamental knowledge, during the seminar students will receive in-depth knowledge and the possibility for best practice with help of selected case studies.

Each semester a  new focus is laid in the seminar topic with acknowledging following lecture contents.

Environmental Impact Assessment:

• origins and development of EIA in international comparison
• provisions and legal framework
• EIA process - screening, scoping, identification of significant environmental impacts, consultation and public participation
• methods of EIA (checklists, matrices, networks, modelling and techniques) to identify environmental impacts
• methods of EIA (checklists, matrices, networks, modelling and techniques) to identify environmental impacts techniques and tools for monitoring and prediction (water balance, water quality, air quality, noise, traffic emissions)
• evaluation of environmental impacts with respect to special planning targets and ecosyste
• methods for the capturing and assessment of characteristic landscapes and its scenery
• conflicts between environmental assessments and potential solutions
• EIA in practice, relationships between stakeholders in the planning process (relationships to planners, planning authorities and public agencies)

Strategic Environmental Assessment:

• fundamental knowledge to understand SEA and  its necessity for a sustainable development
• regulation and legal framework
• objectives and implementation of European SEA Directive 2001/42/EU
• differences and links between EIA and SEA
• SEA procedure and its integration into the planning process
• Process steps of SEA (screening, scoping, identification of significant environmental impacts, consultation and public participation)
• Suitable methods of SEA (potentials analysis, scenarios, etc.)
• Techniques and tools for prediction and identification of environmental impacts
• Selection of appropriate set of indicators in consideration of planning levels and sectors

Course assessment

The final grade is calculated as follows:

Presentations  (presentations of groupworks) 25 % + Written Essay 25% + oral or written exam (50%)


Participants will receive within the lecture fundamental knowledge regarding methods, techniques and tools in environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment. For a successful  graduation of the module and an integral appreciation of the topic a continual self-study of the stated literature is recommended.

Recommended Literature – Environmental Impact Assessment:
Barrow CJ (1999): Environmental Management - Principles and Practice. Routledge, London.
Canter LW (1996): Environmental Impact Assessment. Second Edition. McGraw-Hill Inc. Series in Water Resources & Environmental Engineering.
Carroll B, Turpin T (2002): Environmental Impact Assessment Handbook. Thomas Telford, London
Gilpin A (1995): Environmental impact assessment (EIA): cutting edge for the twenty-first century. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Emmelin L. (2001): Environmental Impact Assessment in Norway – understanding implementation as a function of professional culture. Journal of Environmental Education and Information Volume 20, Number 4 (2001), pages 299-314.
Gassner, E.; Winkelbrandt, A. (2005): UVP: Rechtliche und Fachliche Anleitung für die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung. Müller Jur.Vlg.C.F., Karlsruhe.
Glasson, J; Therivel, R. and Chadwick, A. (1999): Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment: principles and procedures, process, practice, and prospects (2nd edition). UCL Press, London.
Harrop, D.O. and Nixon, J.A. (1999): Environmental Assessment in Practice. Routledge, London.
Köppel, J.; Peters, W.; Wende, W. (2004): Eingriffsregelung, Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung, FFHVerträglichkeitsprüfung, Stuttgart: UTB.
Marriot, B.B. (1997): Environmental Impact Assessment: A practical guide. McGraw-Hill
Mitschang, S. (2010): Die Umweltprüfung in der Regionalplanung: Eine Handlungsanleitung. Lang, Frankfurt am Main.
Modak, P.; Biswas, A.K. (1999): Environmental Impact Assessment for Developing Countries. United Nations University Press, Tokyo.
Morris, P; Therivel, R. (eds.) (2001): Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment (2nd edition). Spon Press, London.
Petts, J. (ed.) (1999): Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment. Volume 1. Environmental Im-pact Assessment: Process, Methods and Potential. Volume 2. Environmental Impact Assessment in Practice: Impact and Limitations. Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford.
Schmidt, M. et. al. (2008): EIA – Standards and Thresholds for Human Health and the Environment. Springer, Berlin.
Treweek, J. (1999): Ecological Impact Assessment. Blackwell Science, Oxford
Weston, J. (Ed.) (1997): Planning and Environmental Impact Assessment in Practice. Longman, Har-low.
Wathern, P. (Ed.) (1998): Environmental Impact Assessment: Theory and Practice. Routledge, London.
Wood, C. (2003): Environmental Impact Assessment: A Comparative Review (2nd edition). Prentice Hall, Edinburgh.
Recommended Literature – Strategic Environmental Assessment:
Emmelin, L. (1998): Strategic Environmental Assessment for Tourism – Methodological Lessons from Landscape Impact Analysis. Paper for the”International Workshop SEA and EIA as Tools for Sustainable Tourism”. Genoa 23-25 October, 1997. Published in International Journal for Envi-ronmental Education and Information, October 1998.
Fischer, T. and Seaton, K. (2002): Strategic Environmental Assessment: Effective Planning Instrument or Lost Concept? In: Planning Practice and Research, 17 (1), pp31-44.
Fischer TB (2002) Strategic Environmental Assessment in Transport and Land Use Planning. Earthscan, London.
Kleinschmidt, V. and Wagner, D. (Eds.) (1998): Strategic Environmental Assessment in Europe. Kluwer, London.
Partidario, M.R. and Clark, R. (Eds.) (2000): Perspectives on Strategic Environmental Assessment. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton.
Schmidt, M.; João, E. and Albrecht, E. (Eds.) (2005): Implementing Strategic Environmental Assessment. Environmental Protection in the European Union, Volume 2. 742 pages. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
Therivel, R. (2004): Strategic Environmental Assessment in Action, Earthscan, London.
Therivel, R. and Partidario, M.R. (eds.) (1996): The Practice of Strategic Environmental Assessment, Earthscan, London.


  • Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. (NMU, UA) Michael Schmidt
  • Dr.-Ing. Mirko Filetti

Hours per week



Strategische Umweltprüfung und Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung (11134)

2403722 in HIS