
Regulation for Doctorates

Applications for the opening of doctoral procedures

Application as doctoral candidate

Application documents:

  1. Registration form for the application as doctoral candidate of Faculty 1
  2. Copies of certificates of former academic degrees including
    • Copies of your original higher education entrance qualification (e.g. high school diploma or German Abitur certificate)
    • Copies of certificates and transcripts of records from prior university degrees
    • Additionally for applicants with foreign university degrees:.If the original certificate or transcript of record is not in English or German, then you will need to also submit a certified translation to German or English from a sworn translator.
  3. Declarations  concerning former applications (see  §6 (3)  4 and 5 of the General Regulations for Dotorates)
  4. Declaration about the knowledge of Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice
  5. Curriculum Vitae

Please submit  applications for admission as a doctoral student only electronically.

Electronic applications should be sent in only one pdf-file with all documents mentioned under 1.-5. to fakultaet1+qualifikation(at)

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Inna Spivak
(Tel.: +49(0) 355 69 3970, HB 3.34 (by appointment)).

The International Relations Office verifies for foreign applicants the fulfilment of the formal assumptions for the admission to a doctorate.

The faculty council will decide about the admission as a doctoral candidate and inform the candidate and the International Relations Office about the decision. Than the candidates become an official admission letter from the  International Relations Office with all information concerning the enrollment as phd-student.
