The Department of Geopedology and Landscape Development offers courses in the following German and English language degree programs.
Land Use and Water Management - BSc
Environmental Engineering - BSc
Environmental Engineering - MSc
Environmental and Resource Management - BSc
Environmental and Resource Management - MSc
Environmental and Resource Management - PhD
The following courses and modules are offered during the summer and winter semester. In some cases, modules are offered jointly with other departments and institutions of the BTU. Details about the courses, the lecturers and the current offer can be found here:
Module Soil Science (12139)
- Lecture Fundamentals of Soil Science (240402)
- Seminar Soil Science of Central Europe (24040)
Module Basic Soil Science (11645)
- Lecture Basic Soil Science (240422)
- Lab Seminar Basic Soil Science (240433)
Module Geopedology (12959)
- Seminar Geopedology (240421)
- Excursion Geopedology (240410)
Module Geoecology (12949)
- Lecture Ecotoxicology (240437)
- Block Seminars Geoecology (240411)
Module Geomorphology (13955)
- Lecture Geomorphology (240406)
- Seminar Digital Terrain Analysis (240408)
- Exercise Processing and analysis of digital landform data (240409)