
Supervised and reviewed doctorates

M.Sc. Nils Dietrich (26.04.2021): Influence of differently processed biowaste fermentation residues on the physical characteristics of arable soils

1. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab

2. Reviewer: PD Dr. Horst H. Gehrke

B.Sc (Hons) Mary-Anne Lowe (03.01.2019): Soil Water Repellency and its Limitations on Water Infiltration

1. Reviewer: Dr. Matthias Leopold (The University of Western Ausatralia)

2. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab

 M.Sc. Christine Knoop (01.04.2018): Anaerobic treatment of municipal organic waste from separate collection: digestate properties and sustance flows during two-stage digestion and subsequent aerobic treatment

1. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab

2. Reviewer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christina Dornack

Dipl. Geogr. Alexander Nicolay (13.07.2017): Investigations on (pre-)historic relief, soil and landscape development in southern Brandenburg (Lower Lusatia)

1. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab

2. Reviewer: Dr. habil. Knut Kaiser

Dipl.-Ing. Claus-Robert Wonschik (21.02.2017): Microbial Carbonisation - A study assessing process and product.

1. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Andrea Heilmann (Hochschule Harz)

2. Reviewer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christina Dornack (TU Dresden)

3. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab

M.A. Frank Müller (28.07.2016): Cultural landscape change in the Peitz region resulting from the century long usage of the local ironwork (mid -16th to 19th century)

1. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Günter Bayerl

2. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab

3. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Marcus Popplow

M.Sc. Vaillant Rutazuyaza Byizigiro (10.02.2016): Geomorphic Processes Associated with Small-Scale Opencast Mining and Mitigation Measures: Case Study of the Gatumba Mining District in the Western Highlands of Rwanda

1. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab

2. Reviewer: apl. Prof. Dr. Dirk Freese

Dipl.-Geogr. Florian Hirsch (03.12.2015): Post-LGM soil development and geomorphodynamics in the Central Spanish Pyrenees

1. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab

2. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Frank Lehmkuhl

3. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Christoph Zielhofer

M.Sc. Magdalena Sut (27.05.2014): Detection and behavior of iron-cyanide complexes in soils of a former Manufactured Gas Plant site

1. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab

2. Reviewer: PD Dr. Thomas Fischer

3. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Anne Naeth

Reviewed doctorates

M.Sc. Tetiana Medinski (06.11.2015): Soil organic carbon turnover and sequestration in alley-cropping systems composed of poplar and black locust hedgerows

1. Reviewer: apl. Prof. Dr. Dirk Freese

2. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab

3. Reviewer: Prof. Mosquera-Losada, University of Santiago de Compostela

M.Sc. Funzani Asnath Melato (29.05.2015): Phytoremediation of gold mine tailings with Vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides)

1. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Mokgalaka

2. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Robert McCrindle

3. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab

M.Sc. Haijing Wang (12.05.2015): Determination method and soil emission behavior of crude oil volatile organic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

1. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab

2. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Detlev Möller

3. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Jinsheng Feng

M.Sc. Dario Mantovani (30.04.2015): Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia l.) ecophysiological and morphological adaption to drought stress and its water use efficiency: from lysimeter to field scale

1. Reviewer: apl. Prof. Dr. Dirk Freese

2. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab

M.Sc. Maya Ishizawa (14.05.2014): About the conversation of cultural landscapes: sustainability or univiability? A comparative study on the emergent landscape management in heritage sites in mountain regions: the Andes and the Pyrenees.

1. Reviewer: Prof. Dr.  Gerhard Wiegleb

2. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab

Dipl.-Geogr. Juliane Huber (09.04.2014): Hangsedimente und Saprolithe als grundlegende Bestandteile der Critical Zone – Beispiele aus dem Bayerischen Wald und der Colorado Front Range

1. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Dr. Jörg Völkel

2. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab

Dipl.-Geoökol. Christine Lemmnitz (21.11.2013): Charakteristik der Benetzungshemmung quartärer und tertiärer Substrate - räumliche und zeitliche Variabilität, Schlüsselfaktoren für die Ausbildung und Eingang in die hydrologische Modellierung

1. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Reinhard Hüttl

2. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab

M.Sc. Emilienne Ingie Tingwey (2009): Studies on the life cycle of akinete forming cyanobacterium Cylindrosper-mopsis raciborskii in the temperate region

1. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Nixdorf

2. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab