Dr. Florian Hirsch

Scientific assistant

Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus - Senftenberg
Chair of Geopedology and Landscape Development
Siemens-Halske-Ring 8
D-03046 Cottbus

LG 4A, room 3.12

T +49 (0) 355 69 4613
F +49 (0) 355 69 3346

Florian Hirsch bei ResearchGate


Curriculum Vitae
  • 2015: PhD (Dr. rer. nat) at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg: Post-LGM soil development and geomorphodynamics in the Central Spanish Pyrenees
  • 2009 bis 2012: DFG Project (RA 931/3-1) Post-LGM zeitliche Pedogenese und Geomorphodynamik in den Aragónesischen Pyrenäen (Spanien)
  • since May 2009: Scientific research assistant, Chair of Geopedology and Landscape Development
  • May 2009: Diploma (Dipl.-Geogr. Univ.) in Geography, University Regensburg, Germany Thesis: Geophysical studies (geoelectric and seismic-refraction) on late quaternary sediments in the Sabiñánigo-Biescas basin (Aragón Pyrenees)
Research Interests
  • Quaternary geomorphology
  • Landscape development
  • Pedogenesis and soil geography
  • Soil micromorphology
Selected publications
  • Hirsch, F., Schneider, A., Bauriegel, A., Raab, A., Raab, T. (2018): Formation, Classification, and Properties of Soils at Two Relict Charcoal Hearth Sites in Brandenburg, Germany. - Frontiers in Environmental Sciences 6:94. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2018.00094
  • Hirsch, F., Raab, T., Ouimet, W., Dethier, D., Schneider, A., Raab, A. (2017): Soils on historic charcoal hearths - terminology and chemical properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 81, 1427-1435,  doi: 10.2136/sssaj2017.02.0067.
  • Hirsch, F., Raab, T., Heller, S., Bauriegel, A. (2017): Classification of pedogenic cementation in Podzols by pocket penetrometry. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 180(4), 430-435,  10.1002/jpln.201600395.
  • Hirsch, F., Schneider, A, Nicolay, A., Błaszkiewicz, M., Kordowski, J., Noryskiewicz, A. M., Tyszkowski, S., Raab, A., Raab, T., 2015. Late Quaternary landscape development at the margin of the Pomeranian phase (MIS 2) near Lake Wygonin (Northern Poland). Catena 124, 28-44,  doi:10.1016/j.catena.2014.08.018.
  • Raab, T., Raab, A., Nicolay, A., Takla, M., Hirsch, F., Rösler, H., Bauriegel, A., 2015. Opencast mines in South Brandenburg (Germany)-archives of Late Quaternary landscape development and human-induced land use changes. Archaeol Anthropol Sci, 1-14,  doi:10.1007/s12520-015-0227-6.
  • Hirsch, F. & Raab, T., 2014. Geophysical prospection on Late Quaternary sediments in the Gállego Valley, Central Spanish Pyrenees. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F., Supplementary Issue 58, 47-62, doi: 10.1127/0372-8854/2013/S-00165.