The Ulrich-L.-Rohde Chair for RF and Microwave Techniques represents the Fachgebiet Hochfrequenz- und Mikrowellentechnik at BTU. In 2009, the donation enabled the installation of a tenured full professor and the acquisition of the required lab equipment.
The focus of our research is on microwave electronics, specifically on monolithically integrated III-V circuits for advanced mobile communications. Additionally, we address the related topics of transistor modeling, microwave measurement techniques, and em field simulation.
The Fachgebiet is in close cooperation with the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Insitut für Höchstfrequenztechnik in the framework fo the Joint Lab BTU-CS – FBH Microwave.
German Microwave Week 2020

The 13th German Microwave Conference 2020, March 09–11, will be hosted by Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg in cooperation with IMA e.V. and VDE/ITG. GeMiC 2020 provides a unique platform to exchange with experts and to meet colleagues from industry, research institutes, and universities.