Best Bachelor Thesis of the Faculty of Environment and Natural Sciences of BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg 2020: Pfingsthorn, Matias (2020): "Geoelectric investigations for the detection of ground water sources in the area of Hamzelooh, Zanjan, Iran" Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rainer Herd and Wladislaw Schafrik, Chair of Raw Material and Natural Resource Management.
GDMB-Award 2020 - Matias Pfingsthorn receives the GDMB-Award 2020 endowed with 3000 €. His bachelor thesis entitled: "Geoelectric investigations for the detection of ground water sources in the area of Hamzelooh, Zanjan, Iran" convinced the jury.Matias is studying Environmental and Resource Management (ERM) and conducted a groundwater investigation in an extremely dry region in Iran as part of his bachelor thesis at the Chair of Raw Material and Natural Resource Management (Prof. Rainer Herd). The groundwater deposit that Matias detected is to be used to supply a yet-to-be-built museum for the famous "Saltmen of Chehrābād" as well as for a nearby settlement. The "Salt Men of Chehrābād" are miners who were buried in a salt mine during two periods (ca. 500-300 BC and ca. 150-650 AD) and were excellently preserved by the salt. Part of the "salt men" is already on display in the Iranian National Museum in Tehran and will be shown in Bochum and Frankfurt/Main in 2021 as part of the exhibition "Death in Salt".
Best Master Thesis of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Process Engineering of BTU Cottbus 2012: Atkinson, Robert (2012): The Social Implications and Technical Challenges of Terrestrial Carbon Capture and Storage - Case Study: Eastern Brandenburg
Best Bachelor Thesis of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Process Engineering of BTU Cottbus 2011: Enke, Uwe (2011): Investigation of the lithological structure as well as the fresh/salt water boundary in the areas Mixdorf and Schwarzberg by means of electromagnetic and geoelectric methods in the course of the exploration of the potential CO2 storage structure Beeskow/Birkholz Best Poster Award; Herd, R., Krause, Y., Schafrik, W. (2011): "Electromagnetic and geoelectrical investigation of the freshwater/saltwater-boundary in eastern Brandenburg, Germany." GeoMunich 2011-Fragile Earth, Geological Processes from Global to Local Scales, September 4-7, 2011, Munich, Germany.
Teaching Award 2008 of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Process Engineering for Prof. Dr. rer. nat. R. Herd