Topics for Bachelor and Master theses

A general instruction for preparing a study project, a bachelor or master thesis can be found here: How to do a thesis at TUS?

  • Topic for a Bachelor or a Master thesis: Exploring organizational forms that support sufficiency-orientation in business. Which organisational forms or business structures favor sufficiency? Can alternative possibilities of business ownership and responsibility foster sufficiency-oriented business practices? (Qualitative and empirical research, previous knowledge in qualitative data collection and analysis is necessary; thesis can be conducted in German or in English).
  • Topic for a Master thesis: Regime destabilisation and forms of resistance in sustainability transitions (qualitative case study, thesis should be conducted in English)
  • Topic for a Master thesis: Compensatory consumption in the context of high workloads; patterns of behaviour and argumentation (Qualitative and empirical research, previous knowledge in qualitative data collection and analysis is necessary; thesis can be conducted in German or in English).
  • Topic for a Master thesis: Reactions and ways of dealing with crises, e.g. the increasing consequences of climate change. How are crises dealt with? In the household, in everyday life? In the adaptation of self-perception and environmental perception? In ideas about the future? Is there a crisis-related awareness of sustainability? (qualitative interviews or case study; the work can be conducted in German or English)
  • Topic for a Bachelor or Master thesis: Populist and other media reactions to multiple crises, especially in areas affected by the consequences of climate change (Brandenburg, Saxony). How are increasing local consequences of climate change processed in public discourse as well as in local media or local public actors? Can populist argumentation patterns be found? (Media and discourse analysis; evaluation of regional newspapers as well as publications of local actors; knowledge of German is required).
  • Topic for a Bachelor or Master thesis: The political (attention) economy of the crisis. Who is defined as crisis manager and who as recipient of support? Households as bearers of crisis management vs. companies as actors to be supported (policy analysis, discourse analysis, expert interviews, investigation (text analysis) of crisis measures; German language skills are required).
  • Topic for a Master thesis: Circular Society: Everyday social practices in the context of material cycles of reuse, donation, second hand and upcycling. What do people do with unused things? What reuse practices - relevant for material cycles - already exist? Why are things kept and how? How can forms of "domestic mining" be developed that make these things available for Circular Economy/Society? (Methods: Material interviews, living labs; the work can be conducted in German or English)


We also supervise study projects that deal with issues around:

  • Plastic consumption (and ways to reduce it)
  • Maker and hacker movement and their role for sustainable production
  • Basements and Storage Rooms as mirrows of the consumer society: Social Practices or hoarding, collecting, storing of consumer goods