Topics for Bachelor's and Master's theses, study projects
Procedure for theses in our chair:
- First: Read our instructions for writing a study project, Bachelor's or Master's thesis: How to do a thesis at TUS?
- Then: Choose a topic from the list and get in touch with the relevant contact person (we only accept your own topics in exceptional cases)
List of topics offered (please contact the contact person directly):
- Circular Society: Everyday social practices in the context of the material cycles of reuse, donation, second hand and upcycling. What do people do with unused things? What reuse practices - relevant to material cycles - already exist? Why are things kept and how? How can forms of "domestic mining" be developed that make these things available for the circular economy/society? (Methods: material interviews, living labs; the work can be carried out in German or English). Contact person: Melanie Jaeger-Erben