Prof. (Univ. Damaskus) Dr. agr. Bachar Ibrahim

Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg
Fakultät 5 für Wirtschaft, Recht und Gesellschaft
Lehrstuhl Öffentliches Recht, insbesondere Umwelt- und Planungsrecht (mit Fachgebiet Zivilrecht)
Lehrgebäude 10
Raum 524
Erich-Weinert-Str. 1
03046 Cottbus
T +49 (0) 355 69 5593
F +49 (0) 355 69 3057
Office hours:
Monday: 10:00 - 12:00
curriculum vitae
- November 1989 - December 1993, research on irrigation and drainage issues cultivation and management of the clay soil
- January 1993 - December 1999, research on environmental problems like waste water treatment, decentralize solution for waste water problems in rural area and water contaminations
- January 1999 - December 2001, Material Flow Analyses Systems, Nutrient System in Agriculture
- January 2001 - December 2003, Agriculture, Rural Development and Design
- January 2003 - present, Water Management for Agriculture, Environmental Monitoring and Water Footprint
- January 2008 - 2010, Conservation Agriculture in Arid Regions
- 2003 - 2007 Advisor for Environmental issues at the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
- 2007 - 2011 Department Head - Rural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture University of Damascus
- Associate Professor at University of Damascus, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Rural Engineering
- since 2007, Licensed Syrian EIA expert and listed EIA trainer
- Consultant for EU-Project, Life Programme ''Solid Waste Management in Syria''
- Coordinator of ARCA-Net, Consortium: Water Scarcity, Alumni Raising Crises-&-Conflict Awareness
- N. Stabenau, B. Ibrahim, W. Stinner (2018): A potential phosphorous fertilizer for organic farming: recovery of phosphorous resources in the course of bioenergy production through anaerobic digestion of aquatic macrophytes. Energy, Sustainability and Society 8 (1), 16.
- B. Ibrahim, H. Mensah, Linking Environmental Water Scarcity and Options for Adaptation in the MENA Region, in: Journal of Water Resource and Protection, S. 378-392, 2017
- H. Mensah, B. Ibrahim, Alternate Solutions Towards Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture in Ghana: Review of Literature, in: Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability, S. 53 - 79, 2017
- B. Ibrahim, Climate Change Effects on Agriculture and Water Resources Availability in Syria, in: Implementing Adaptation Strategies by Legal, Economic and Planning Instruments on Climate Change, Albrecht/ Schmidt/ Mißler-Behr/ Spyra (Hrsg.), Springer-Verlag GmbH Heidelberg, 2014.
- B. Ibrahim, A. Yakoub, Effect of 15 year Application of municipal solid waste composts on the Chemical Specifications of Soil, under reviewing by the Journal of Scientific Research ACSAD, 2013.
- B. Ibrahim, A. Yakoub, Testing the effectiveness of using the anaerobic treatment approach for treating the available organic material in rural Damascus, under reviewing, by the Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, 2012.
- B. Ibrahim, A. Yakoub, Using the CROPWAT Model in scheduling irrigation and determining water use of cotton in two areas in Syria, Journal Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research 2009 Vol. 27 No. 1/2 pp. 70-77 ISSN1015-4442.
- B. Ibrahim, Research team Report of the Palmyra Region Strategic Action Plan, MAM-Project, Syria 2008.
- B. Ibrahim, A. Yakoub, General view on the Mineral water, Study for the Arabic encyclopedia, Damascus, Syria 2005 (Arabic).
- B. Ibrahim, Study on the Method of the Rural Development under Syrian, conditions Report during Gets Prof -staying , Rostock University 2002.
- P. H. Brunner, B Ibrahim, Terminology of new Science "Metabolism of the Antroposphere" TU-University of Vienna, 2001.
- B. Ibrahim; A. Jakoub, Improving the efficiency of Drainage using in the Slain Basin (Arabic) Journal of Aleppo University, issues 36, 2000.
- B. Ibrahim, A. Yakoub, Irrigation and Drainage Book, Damascus University 2000 (Arabic).
- B. Ibrahim: A. Yakoub, Increase the Drainage efficiency by using the crakes in the soil Alkalij Jurnal, 20,1,55, 2002 (Arabic).
- B. Ibrahim, A. Nassour, Study on the possibly use of the Biogas methodic under Syrian Condition University of Rostock 2002 (German).
- B. Ibrahim, A.Yakoub, The uses of the Crakes in the Clay Soil for Improving the Drainage Efficiency, Aleppo Journal Issues 35, 2000 (Arabic).
- B. Ibrahim, Shnawi A., The Uses of Filter and Design of Drainage Pipes in Clay Soil, Study, Damascus University, 2000 (Arabic).
- B. Ibrahim, Food Security, Water Savings and Environmental Protection, conference, Water Scarcity in the Middle East Conflict Potentials and Coping Strategies, 22-26 October 2007, Damascus, Syria.
- B. Ibrahim, The Material flow Analyses (MFA) as a tool for the Preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) EIA Licensing Practitioners Workshop, 22 July-02 August 2007.
- B. Ibrahim, ARCA-Net Iran Conference "Conflicts, Conflict Resolution and Natural Resources in the Middle East" Water Resources Monitoring and Management Constitute a Potential Social and Environmental Conflict, 2006.
- B. Ibrahim, Global view on water scarcity water availability, International Alumni Summer School (IASS) 2005, The Importance of Natural Resources in Crises & Conflicts Causes, Consequences & Perspectives, August 21 to September 03, 2005 (Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture Humboldt-University of Berlin).
- B. Ibrahim, The development of landfill site operation in Syria. Workshop "Landfill Management in Syria" Sept. 19-22, 2005, Damascus University, Syria.
- B. Ibrahim, Water Availability Water situation in Syria International Workshop of the Berlin Alumni Network - BAN, Productive Water Use for Sustainable Agriculture, in Semi-Arid, Environments 06 - 09 December 2004, Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones & Dry lands - ACSAD, Damascus, Syria.
Damascus University
Faculty for Agriculture
Department of Rural Engineering