New Workshop Series »Un/Disciplining Knowledge«

This workshop series will be offered by the Chair of Technoscience Studies in Faculty 5. PhD and doctoral students of all areas are cordially invited. Register until 1 October 2022.

Workshop and Seminar Series »Un/disciplining Knowledge« (1 October 2022 – 31 March 2023)

Target group:

Doctoral/PhD students of all areas and disciplines


After disciplinarity? Concepts like interdisciplinarity or transdisciplinarity abound. A thought-provoking course that gets students and early career researchers to consider what such concepts mean – /in practice and theory/.

As a PhD student, you can use this course to develop a theoretical grounding of the claims to various forms of disciplinarity or of knowledge within your thesis/dissertation research project.

This course introduces you to the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS) and its analytics of science in practice.

It comes with the following objectives: You will learn to (i) develop a research question within the academic field of STS, and (ii) create and present a research design, as well as (iii) identify and make use of appropriate sources of empirical material for their analysis, furthermore (iv) identify, select and compare appropriate concepts and methods applying these on an interdisciplinary research field and (v) analyse changes in fields of science and technology with respect to knowledge forms.

Questions addressed include:

  • Which notions of knowledge and discipline have you hitherto taken for granted?
  • How are scientific facts made and how does that fact-making relate to norms, politics, ideology?
  • Where do scientific fields and their forms of disciplinarity come from? How are these constituted?
  • How can we productively challenge the making of facts?

As a PhD student, you learn to apply the sensitivities of these questions reflexively on your own field’s knowledge practices, maybe even within your own PhD research.

Dates & assessment:

Seven meetings between 1 October 2022 and 31 March 2023, three assignments.

Six short seminar meetings take place on Fridays 13:45 to 17:30 h on

  • 21 October
  • 4 & 11 & 18 November,
  • 2 & 9 December as well as
  • one 1.5 day-workshop takes place Friday 20 January 2023 13:45 to 19:00 h & Saturday 21 January 9:00 to 17:00 h.

Assignments include a screencast (13 Jan), a draft paper (17 Feb) and a revised paper (31 Mar).


Associate Professor Dr. Ingmar Lippert

Chair of Technoscience Studies



Please register by 1 October 2022 via the »Graduates Virtual Campus«: (Course Area 2 »Subject-related Training)


Dr. phil. Ingmar Lippert
Allgemeine Technikwissenschaft
T +49 (0) 355 69-2174