Workplace health promotion

Measures to improve health and well-being in the workplace
Contact: Simone Ruhwald, Diversity and Health Officer


DAK company run Cottbus

Every year, the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg takes part in the popular DAK company run with numerous runners.

As soon as the date for this year's event is announced, you will have the opportunity to register here.

23rd Dragon Boat Race 2024

23rd Dragon Boat Race 2024

The BTU is putting together a team for the 23rd Cottbus Dragon Boat Regatta on 29.06.2024.

To become part of the team, please register for the corresponding university sports course from Monday, April 8th.

If you have any questions about the course and the competition, please contact the university sports department sport(at)

04.05.-24.05.2024 City cycling

CITY CYCLING from 04.05. to 24.05.2024 - BTU is part of it!

We want to take part in the nationwide "City Cycling" competition again this year. Join us and register now for the "BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg" team!

Last year, we were the largest team with 227 cyclists and ended up in 2nd place with 41,527 km!

Let's take part in this year's nationwide "City Cycling" competition together with all BTU locations and cycle as many distances as possible.

During the campaign period from 04.05. - 24.05.2024, the kilometers of all participants will be recorded and evaluated. Every kilometer cycled counts, whether in your free time or on the way to school / university / work, whether in Cottbus or outside the city.

Register now for the "BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg" team at: or with your cell phone via the "Stadtradeln" app. Together, let's cover as many distances as possible in a climate-friendly way by bike.

We are excited to see what team performance will be achieved this year!

You can find more information about the competition on the City Cycling Cottbus website.

Good to know: The "AG Fahrradfreundliche BTU" was launched in 2020. If you have any tips or requests regarding friendly at the individual locations, please contact the working group at fahrradfreundlich(at)

BTU Health Newsletter

All employees and students of BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg have the opportunity to find out about current health offers.

Register now and discover delicious recipes, exercises and inspiration for your workplace!

Simply click on the link: Newsletter distribution list-health management and enter your e-mail address. You will then automatically receive the latest information.

Individual health care offers

Body-Check: Body analysis for a healthy center (BARMER)


9.30-15.30 each day, duration: 15 minutes

  • 16.04.2024 (Campus Senftenberg)
  • 10.06.2024 (main campus)
  • 14.10.2024 (main campus)

The number on the scales is unfortunately far too often seen as an indicator of physical health and fitness. But whether the scales are your best friend or your worst enemy, there are more meaningful ways to find out what's going on in your body. One of these is to determine your body composition.

Body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage, visceral fat percentage, total body water, muscle mass, basal metabolic rate

With the body check, you can find out in just a few minutes what your body is made up of and what you can do if you want to change something about it.


This is an offer from BARMER

Balance check: Stress load test by recording HRV (BARMER)


9.30-15.30 each day, duration: 15 minutes

  • 22.04.2024 (main campus)
  • 05.11.2024 (Campus Senftenberg)
  • 18.11.2024 (main campus)

Heart rate variability (HRV) is one of the most important risk parameters for assessing potential health risks. During the test, a period of time between each heartbeat is measured over a certain period of time in order to record fluctuations from beat to beat. The human body has the ability to change the frequency of the heart rhythm unconsciously and thus react to a state of rest or activity. By recording the HVR, you receive information about your current physical and mental ability to regulate and regenerate through your autonomic nervous system.


An offer from BARMER

Medimouse (BARMER)


9.30-15.30 each day, duration: 15 minutes

  • 16.05.2024 (Campus Senftenberg)
  • 24.06.2024 (main campus)

Years of incorrect strain, for example due to the daily sitting marathon at the desk, can lead to postural damage that restricts the mobility of the spine. With the MediMouse®, the shape and mobility of the spine, among other things, can be recognized as part of a radiation-free 3D measurement. This is a scanner that can be used to manually "scan" the back in order to detect any vertebral deformations.

Registration: gesundheitsmanagement(at)

An offer from BARMER

Standing posture diagnostics (Techniker Krankenkasse)


9.00-16.00 each day

  • 12.06.2024 (Campus Senftenberg)
  • 11.11.2024 (main campus)

Lack of exercise and poor posture often lead to pain and tension in the body. However, it is usually not clear to those affected where these complaints come from. In addition to a lack of exercise and one-sided strain, deficits in posture initiate a vicious circle that is difficult for those affected to break.

Posture diagnostics can reveal the causes of typical musculoskeletal complaints. Several photos are taken of each participant in defined positions and scientifically analyzed, and additional parameters are also recorded.

The measurement results are displayed visually and provide crucial information on the quality of the posture and therefore the causes of the complaints. Individual training recommendations help to specifically counteract the causes.

Registration: gesundheitsmanagement(at)

An offer of the Techniker Krankenkasse

Lectures and workshops All lectures and workshops will be held in german language

06.11.2024 - Lecture: Lasting power of attorney - interesting facts and news

Date: 06.11.2024 (main campus, main building), 10-12 a.m.

Anyone who can no longer make decisions for themselves due to an accident or illness needs a legal representative. If you don't want to be legally supervised but would rather decide for yourself who makes important decisions in the event of an emergency, you should draw up a power of attorney. Find out what you need to bear in mind and which new regulations will apply from 2023.

The Cottbus care support center will also be on hand to answer any questions you may have on the subject of care.

Registration: Online registration

Speaker: Cottbus care authority and Cottbus care support center

07.11.2024 - Online lecture: Healthy nutrition in the workplace

Date: 07.11.2024 (online), 9-10 a.m.

Eating at work? Due to the constant lack of time, food often only plays an accompanying role in our everyday lives. Eating on the go is usually expensive and unhealthy. The fact that we then often reach for sugary and fatty foods is often because we don't see any other option. But it can also be healthy and delicious! Clever meal prep is fun and much easier than you think...

Preparation is everything! In our online seminar, we'll show you how you can cleverly combine a short amount of time and a healthy diet on the go and at work. You will learn which components you need for a balanced diet that is delicious and full of nutrients. You'll also get some healthy and practical recipe inspiration for on the go.

Registration: healthmanagement(at)

Speaker: Senada Esati (move UP GmbH)

An offer from the Techniker Krankenkasse.

12.11.2024 - Workshop: Stress, let go! Recognizing warning signs of stress and practicing mindfulness in the midst of everyday life

Date: 12.11.2024, 09.30 am to 11.30 am

In our busy and perhaps worry-filled everyday lives, we very often find ourselves operating on autopilot and often only notice the effects of stress when it is (almost) too late. The first part of this workshop is about recognizing (individual) warning signs of stress at an earlier stage. The second part focuses on mindfulness as a helpful tool to alleviate stress and to arrive more in the here and now. As it is usually a major hurdle to integrate something new into an already busy everyday life, you will receive helpful impulses in addition to a guided mindfulness exercise on how you can practise mindfulness in the middle of everyday life without spending extra time.

Registration: Online registration

Speaker: Dr. Tina Böhme

14.11.2024 - Online lecture: Healthy nutrition during the menopause

Date: 14.11.2024 (online), 9-10 am

Do you want to counteract symptoms of the menopause? An unbalanced diet can trigger numerous symptoms. In addition to a generally healthy and balanced diet, certain foods are particularly effective against inflammatory processes. They fund the balance in our body and strengthen our immune system.

Inhibiting inflammation in the body with the help of food. In our seminar, you will find out which foods are essential for the menopause and which you should avoid. You will learn about the importance of food for your body and receive delicious recipe ideas along the way. We will also give you tips for easy implementation in everyday life.

Registration: healthmanagement(at)

Speaker: Senada Esati (move UP GmbH)

An offer from the Techniker Krankenkasse.

20.11.2024 - Workshop: Get out of your head and into your body: calm your thoughts and live more consciously in the here and now

Date: 20.11.2024, 09.30 am to 11.30 am

A large part of our time and energy is burnt up in the continuous loop of the daily carousel of thoughts about the past, the future, the opinions of others, etc. The bad news is that you lose a lot of your precious energy and life - possibly more than you would like - passes you by without you really being present. The good news is that you can train your mind and decide where you want to be with your attention. It can be very helpful, for example, to bring your body back on board through conscious movement and mindfulness exercises and in this way arrive more with yourself and in the here and now. This is exactly what you will learn in this workshop.

Registration: Online registration

Speaker: Dr. Tina Böhme

28.11.2024 - Online lecture: Enjoy a healthy gut

Date: 28.11.2024 (online), 9-10 am

What can our gut do? Our gut is home to 100 trillion highly specialized bacteria that are constantly working to maintain our body's digestion, nutrient supply and immune system. If the organ gets out of balance, hormonal fluctuations and a weak immune system, for example, can be the result. The intestine is therefore our central health organ!

...and what does it need? In this impulse lecture, we will provide basic knowledge about our digestion and look at why a healthy gut is so important and why it is also considered the "second brain". We will also explain what weakens and strengthens your gut. You can expect practical tips on how to make your intestinal flora really happy in the long term and prevent illness.

Registration: healthmanagement(at)

Speaker: Senada Esati (move UP GmbH)

An offer from the Techniker Krankenkasse.

05.12.2024 - Workshop: It's all a question of attitude: How to go through life healthy and relaxed

Date: 05.12.2024, 09.30 am to 11.30 am

Both physical posture and inner posture play an important role in being able to go through life healthy, relaxed and strengthened. We spend too much time in unhealthy postures and/or with an unhealthy approach to our thoughts and feelings. This workshop sheds light on the interplay between body, mind and soul and the effects this has on your behavior and charisma. The basic building blocks of healthy posture and mindfulness will be made tangible through live guided movement and mindfulness exercises.

Registration: Online registration

Speaker: Dr. Tina Böhme

If you have ideas and wishes, we would be pleased if you could send them to gesundheitsmanagement(at)

Massage services on campus


This year, employees and students at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg can once again take advantage of the regular offer of a soothing massage. Tension can be relieved with the help of neck or back massages. Enjoy a short, soothing break from your daily work routine. This is a self-pay offer. Please bring a large towel with you to the appointment.

Central Campus

Dates 2023: 17./24. Jul., 28. Aug., 18. Sep., 16. Oct., 6./20. Nov., 4./18. Dec.

Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.

Location: Verfügungsgebäude 1C, Room 019

The massages are carried out by the  physiotherapy practice Grit Gärtner, appointments can be made via the BTU health management gesundheitsmanagement(at) Please contact the practice directly at 0355 / 86 25 000 to cancel appointments at short notice.

Campus Senftenberg

Dates 2023: 19. Jul., 23. Aug., 27. Sep., 25. Oct., 29. Nov., 20. Dec.

Time: 9.00-12.00 a.m.

Location: Building 1, Room 1.130

The massages are carried out by the  physiotherapy practice Marlen Woßlick, appointments can be made via the BTU health management gesundheitsmanagement(at) Please contact the practice directly at 03573/365512 to cancel appointments at short notice.

Gymnastics at work

This offer is valid for all employees of BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. In this small active break, you will learn under guidance a few small exercises that provide more energy and simultaneous relaxation at your workplace. Movement sequences for the back, shoulders, neck and legs will be shown, which help to release tension and increase concentration. In addition, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques will be presented to help relieve stress.

Where? directly at your workplace

When? 1x a week, 15 minutes

Would you like to try out this offer in your team or lead a small group yourself? Feel free to contact us at gesundheitsmanagement(at)

University Sports

Contact person:  Catharina Buchenau

University sport keeps you fit and healthy, allows you to balance your studies and work, creates contact between university members and brings German and foreign students closer together - no matter which sport you choose.

The central Institution for University Sports offers a wide range of different sport courses for all members of the university. If your own favourite sport does not yet exist, please contact ZEH.

Outdoor offers

The exercise trail on the central campus

You have the opportunity to strengthen your body and fund your movement independently at any time on a total of 7 different training machines. There is a board on each piece of equipment with information on the correct way to do the exercises and the body parts to be trained.

The central university sports facility offers a free weekly group exercise program called Gymnastics at the Workplace_ Fresh Air.

EquipmentMain functions
Leg trainerEndurance, balance, legs, whole body
Upper body trainer_pullingStrength for arms/shoulders/back
Upper body trainer_pushStrength for arms/shoulders/chest
Pull-up trainerStrength; arms/shoulders/trunk
Back trainer_stand/sitFlexibility/stretching trunk Shoulder trainer
Horizontal barsStrength, agility shoulder/arm/torso
Thai ChiMassage

The "playfit locations" app is free of charge and supports your outdoor training. With integrated equipment location function, exercise instructions and training time measurement.

Faculty garden & loam construction

The faculty garden at Siemens-Halske-Ring 8 on the main campus in Cottbus offers the opportunity to work in the fresh air. It has a size of 1500m2 and was created in November 1999. Events must be registered in good time with Ms. Petsching via VB 3 Building Management (information at (0355)69-7000).

The loam building on Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee can be used as an outdoor workplace since September 2021.

External offers/Cooperations Most programmes are only available in German

Apps for organizing everyday care (ZDG)

Caring for relatives in need of care means a lot of time and organizational effort. As part of the Future Region Digital Health Berlin/Brandenburg (ZDG) initiative, the Federal Ministry of Health will provide digital solutions (apps) to support the organization of everyday care for a one-year test phase from December 2021.

The Nui & Family Cockpit apps can help caring relatives and those in need of care to organize everyday care. For example, they can share tasks and important information digitally with other members of the caring community. Interested parties from the Berlin/Brandenburg region can now take part in the test. Participation in the test is free of charge.

You can find more information and the participation form at:

The ZDG office will be happy to answer your questions at

Educational leave

Educational leave - also known as Bildungsurlaub - is a legal entitlement of employees (Saxony & Bavaria excluded) to paid leave from work to participate in recognized further education events as soon as a 6-month employment relationship exists.

For full-time employees, 5 days per year or 10 days within two calendar years are available for political, professional or cultural further training. Salary continues to be paid and, of course, educational leave is not deducted from vacation time. Civil servants are not entitled to educational leave.

When selecting the various subject areas such as health, art, communication, languages, marketing, environment, stress management, etc., please note whether the desired seminar is recognized in Brandenburg.

The application must be submitted to the employer at least 6 weeks before the start of the course.

The leave of absence allows participation during working hours. During this time, your salary will continue to be paid.

The option of taking educational leave makes it easier for working adults with limited time to take part in recognized continuing education courses and thus supports the idea of lifelong learning that is being pursued throughout Europe.

You can find countless valuable seminar offers on websites such as

Gym-O-Fizz: Fitness software for active office breaks

The "Gym-O-Fizz" fitness software is now available to all BTU employees free of charge. Gym-O-Fizz regularly reminds you of your active break at the intervals you set individually. All exercises are illustrated with figures in comic style and are also described in a text.

No equipment is required and you don't break a sweat. In addition to the gymnastic exercises, eye relaxation exercises, meditations or your own exercises can be carried out. A 3-minute video with all explanations and functions can be found at: Write an email to gesundheitsmanagement(at) for your access data.

Moodgym: Online self-help for depression (AOK) - This programme is available in English

Moodgym is aimed at all BTU members. AOK's free online training supports a stronger psyche. The exercises help to recognize unhealthy thought patterns, to replace them with new ones and thus to positively change behavior - according to the motto: "Think new, feel better". The aim of the program is to reduce depressive symptoms and prevent depression. The effectiveness of the methods from cognitive behavioral therapy has already been proven by studies. Register free of charge at:

Prevention trips

Another way to improve your own health, mobility and general well-being is a prevention trip. Those who are unable to attend prevention courses regularly in their everyday lives are still funded - in the form of so-called compact measures, where all course units take place over a weekend, for example.

A prevention vacation helps to reduce stress and escape from everyday life for a while. These trips focus on nutrition, exercise and relaxation.

Many health insurance companies in Germany subsidize these prevention courses and health trips. A call to your health insurance company will clarify the extent to which you are entitled to a trip. Providers of prevention trips are, for example, AKON, Wellnessurlaub, Fitreisen

RV Fit: German Pension Insurance prevention program

RV Fit is a free training program with elements of exercise, nutrition and stress management for a holistically improved attitude to life. Developed by doctors, in small groups, especially for working people.

Anyone who:

  • Are actively employed and not unemployed
  • Have been working for at least 6 months
  • Have first "aches and pains"
    e.g. occasional back pain, slight overweight, stress or sleep problems.

*If you are more seriously ill or have a disability, find out more about rehabilitation from Deutsche Rentenversicherung.

You can simply register directly online. It only takes a few minutes. German Pension Insurance will check your registration. You will receive your confirmation and the facility will be informed. Your institution will provide you with all the information you need to get started.

Your advantages: More zest for life, the costs are covered by Deutsche Rentenversicherung, extra-occupational before or after work

You can find out what you can expect from RV Fit and what requirements you need to meet to take part in the flyer.

Stress under control: 4-week training program (AOK)

With the program “Stress under control” you can take a deep breath. The AOK's individual online training makes you more resilient to the challenges of everyday life and helps you to permanently avoid stress. Register free of charge for the 4-week training program at: