Heike Bücherl
Born in 1987, Dipl.-Ing (FH), M.A., Diplom in Architecture (2005–2010) and Master of Arts in Building Archaeology (2010–2012) at OTH Regensburg. Research assistant at the RGZM Mainz for the project „The Thracian harbour city Ainos in Roman and Byzantine times“ (2012–2015). Travelscholar of the DAI 2016/17. Teaching and research assistant at the Department of Building Archaeology and Heritage Conservation, TU Berlin (2015-2019). Since may 2020 research assistant and PhD candidate at DFG Research Training Group 1913 „Cultural and Technological Significance of Historic Buildings“ at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.
Research Project: Built – Rebuilt – Recycled: Building Research of Two Doric Temples at Selinous
Bücherl, Heike (2022): Die Treppenanlagen des Tempels A in Selinunt, in: Rickert, A. /Schlosser, S. (eds.): Gestaltung, Funktion und Bedeutung antiker Treppenanlagen. Multiperspektivische Analyse einer transkulturellen Konstante, Kasion 11, Münster 2022, pp. 313–336.
Bücherl, Heike (2021): Incomplete. The Discontinued Building Project of a Greek Temple of the Classical Period, in: Mascarenhas-Mateus, J. / Paula Pires, A. (eds.): History of Construction Cultures: Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Construction History (7ICCH 2021), July 12–16, 2021, Lisbon, London 2021, Vol. 2, pp. 17–23.
Bücherl, Heike / Dally, Ortwin / Albers, Jon / Helas, Sophie / Henning, Agnes / Mège, Frédéric / Coutelas, Arnaud / Lindroos, Alf / Olsen, Jesper: Selinunt. Die Arbeiten des Jahres 2019, eDAI-F, 2020, Fasz. 3.