Application Documents

Applications can be submitted throughout the year.
For enrolment in the summer semester (start in early April) submission is recommend no later than November 1st, for enrolment in winter semester (start in early October) no later than May 1st.

The application and admission process, the search for a supervisor, the decision of the Doctoral Committee and the Faculty Council, and the visa process take several months.

Please submit the following application documents via the online portal MoveOn:

1.Curriculum Vitae
2.Certified copy of your original higher education entrance qualification
e.g. School diploma, School-leaving certificate or German Abitur certificate
If the original certificate or transcript of record is not in English or German, then you will need to also submit a certified translation to German or English from a sworn translator.
3.Certified copies of certificates and transcripts of records from prior university degrees
If the original certificate or transcript of record is not in English or German, then you will need to also submit a certified translation to German or English from a sworn translator.
4.1 to 2 pages summary of your Master´s thesis
Or similar academic thesis (e.g. Diploma thesis)
5.2 letters of recommendation
From university professors (e.g. your Master´s thesis supervisor), former employers or project partners
6.Proof of English proficiency
7.Completed and signed Declaration
Stating whether one has already in the past submitted a doctoral dissertation for review by a doctoral committee and if one has, then information on which university, which Faculty, the topic of the dissertation and the decision of the doctoral committee on awarding the doctor title.
8.A coloured passport-styled photo
In JPEG format
9.A comprehensive PhD Research Proposal
Please use the given Template

You have to decide by yourself on which research topic to write your PhD Research Proposal, but the research proposal has to fit the Research Focus of the PhD programme.

The purpose of the research proposal is to evaluate your ability to pursue a PhD. If your application is complete and you meet our eligibility criteria, we forward your proposal to a professor/potential supervisor who decides if your proposal meets our criteria and fits the profile of the respective chair. Important is that your proposal is innovative, meets scientific standards and you use up-to-date scientific methods. Please ensure that you know about the state-of-the-art in your research field.

Do not submit any additional documents that are not required. The evaluation of your application will be based on the documents mentioned above.

Your application will only be processed after we received all required documents.