A warm welcome to you in the Master Mechanical Engineering
To coordinate teaching, our lecturers use Moodle/ e-learning.
Step 1: Log in
To use the site, simply log in with your BTU account.
Step 2: Find a course
The lecturer will usually give you a course name and password. Enter the course name in the search field and check whether the right lecturer is displayed.
On the main page under Courses you will find the respective modules within the faculties and semesters.
Step 3: Course registration
Once you have found the right module and clicked on it, you will see a button to apply for a course. You may be asked for your password here.
Otherwise, you will find a PDF under the Help tab that explains exactly how to apply for a course.
Students of the BTU can visit the site BTU Account activate your BTU account. You will need an activation code to activate your BTU account. The activation code was handed out with the welcome letter.
Password forgotten or expired?
If your password has expired and you have not changed it in time, you can do this at any time on the web portal
https://www.b-tu.de/account catch up.
more information at: Data centre Cottbus - BTU-Account
You will be enrolled at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg once the semester fees have been received and all documents relevant to enrolment have been submitted. Applicants from Germany will receive their chip card (student ID/chip card) and the activation code for their BTU account by post, unsolicited, up to one week before the start of lectures. If you pay the semester fees later, you will receive an email with a date when you can pick up your chip card at our Infothek at the Central Campus or the Senftenberg Campus. All international applicants will also receive an email with a date when they can pick up their chip card at our Infothek at the Central Campus or the Senftenberg Campus.
Your chip card fulfils various functions.
- Student ID
- Use of the library
- Copy card
- Public transport ticket
Please remember to re-register for each new semester (semester fee) and to renew the validity print on your ID card after each re-registration.
Modules are concluded with a module examination. A module examination takes place either in writing or orally at the end of the module as a module final examination (MAP) or as a continuous assessment (MCA) during the semester. Written final module examinations can be taken in the form of a term paper or a written examination.
Registration for the examination takes place in the 1st to 3rd week of lectures.
For modules that conclude with a written or oral final module examination, the deadline for deregistration is one week before the start of the examination period in which the examination is offered for the first time. Any prerequisite for participation in the module final examination acquired by then remains valid if the module final examination is made up within two semesters. If the prerequisite has not been acquired, the student is automatically deregistered from the final module examination.
For modules with Continuous Assessment, deregistration from the module is permitted in the first three weeks of the lecture period of the respective semester.
Registration/deregistration is done via the online portal. In the manual for the online portal you will find an explanation of all the functions of the online portal and how to use them (i.e. also the registration and deregistration of exams).
Eine Prüfung kann bis zu 2 mal wiederholt werden. Bei Wiederholungsprüfungen kann diese bis eine Woche vor der Prüfung an- bzw. wieder abgemeldet werden.
Weitere Informationen findet ihr in der Rahmenordnung, die ab Wintersemester 2016/2017 gültig ist.
To log in to eduroam, please always use BTU-Account@b-tu.de or the email address as your username. The password is that of the BTU account.
When you move to another country, everything is new: the language, the environment and the culture. The International Relations Office offers support at every stage of your studies at BTU.
The International Relations Office offers a variety of services to help you get off to a perfect start in your new life. Whether it's leisure activities, help with financing or support with your studies.